A tool for converting Xcode-produced *.xcresult
to format for Allure.
There are two ways of usage: a CLI tool or an SPM package to integrate the converting step in your pipeline.
Download the binary from Releases page and make it executable (chmod +x allure-xcresult
Also, you can build it from sources: just clone this repo and run swift build
allure-xcresult --input /path/to/file.xcresult --output /path/to/output_directory
- Add dependency to Package.swift:
.package(url: "https://github.com/kvld/allure-xcresult.git", from: "1.0.0")
- Add product dependency to the target:
.product(name: "AllureXCResultLib", package: "allure-xcresult")
- In your code:
import AllureXCResultLib
let inputPath = "/path/to/input.xcresult"
let outputPath = "/path/to/output_directory"
// You will need a creator to write json with data or attachments on the disk
let filesCreator = ReportFilesCreator(outputPath: outputPath, overwriteOutput: false)
// Also you can execute `ReportConverter.convertOneByOne(xcResultPath:handler:)` if you need to handle tests separately
let result = ReportConverter.convert(xcResultPath: inputPath)
if case let .success(report) = result {
report.tests.forEach { try? filesCreator.write(test: $0) }
report.attachments.forEach { try? filesCreator.write(attachment: $0) }