korapxml2krill - Merge KorAP-XML data and create Krill documents
korapxml2krill [archive|extract] --input <directory|archive> [options]
KorAP::XML::Krill is a library to convert KorAP-XML documents to files compatible with the Krill indexer. The korapxml2krill
command line tool is a simple wrapper of this library.
The preferred way to install KorAP::XML::Krill is to use cpanm.
$ cpanm https://github.com/KorAP/KorAP-XML-Krill.git
In case everything went well, the korapxml2krill
tool will be available on your command line immediately. Minimum requirement for KorAP::XML::Krill is Perl 5.32. Optionally installing Archive::Tar::Builder speeds up archive building. Optional support for Sys::Info to calculate available cores is available. In addition to work with zip archives, the unzip
tool needs to be present.
$ korapxml2krill -z --input <directory> --output <filename>
Without arguments, korapxml2krill
converts a directory of a single KorAP-XML document. It expects the input to point to the text level folder.
- archive
$ korapxml2krill archive -z --input <directory|archive> --output <directory|tar>
Converts an archive of KorAP-XML documents. It expects a directory (pointing to the corpus level folder) or one or more zip files as input.
- extract
$ korapxml2krill extract --input <archive> --output <directory> --sigle <SIGLE>
Extracts KorAP-XML documents from a zip file.
- serial
$ korapxml2krill serial -i <archive1> -i <archive2> -o <directory> -cfg <config-file>
Convert archives sequentially. The inputs are not merged but treated as they are (so they may be premerged or globs). the
directory is treated as the base directory where subdirectories are created based on the archive name. In case the--to-tar
flag is given, the output will be a tar file. - slimlog
$ korapxml2krill slimlog <logfile> > <logfile-slim>
Filters out all useless aka succesfull information from logs, to simplify log checks. Expects no further options.
- --input|-i <directory|zip file>
Directory or zip file(s) of documents to convert.
Without arguments,
expects a folder of a single KorAP-XML document, whilearchive
expects a KorAP-XML corpus folder or a zip file to batch process multiple files.extract
expects zip files only.archive
supports multiple input zip files with the constraint, that the first archive listed contains all primary data files and all meta data files.-i file/news.zip -i file/news.malt.zip -i "#file/news.tt.zip"
Input may also be defined using BSD glob wildcards.
-i 'file/news*.zip'
The extended input array will be sorted in length order, so the shortest path needs to contain all primary data files and all meta data files.
(The directory structure follows the base directory format, that may include a
root folder. In this case further archives lacking a.
root folder need to be passed with a hash sign in front of the archive's name. This may require to quote the parameter.)To support zip files, a version of
needs to be installed that is compatible with the archive file.The root folder switch using the hash sign is experimental and may vanish in future versions.
- --input-base|-ib <directory>
The base directory for inputs.
- --output|-o <directory|file>
Output folder for archive processing or document name for single output (optional), writes to
by default (in caseoutput
is not mandatory due to further options). - --overwrite|-w
Overwrite files that already exist.
- --token|-t <foundry>#<file>
Define the default tokenization by specifying the name of the foundry and optionally the name of the layer-file. Defaults to
. This will directly take the file instead of running the layer implementation! - --base-sentences|-bs <foundry>#<layer>
Define the layer for base sentences. If given, this will be used instead of using
. CurrentlyDeReKo#Structure
are the only additional layers supported.Defaults to unset.
- --base-paragraphs|-bp <foundry>#<layer>
Define the layer for base paragraphs. If given, this will be used instead of using
. CurrentlyDeReKo#Structure
are the only additional layer supported.Defaults to unset.
- --base-pagebreaks|-bpb <foundry>#<layer>
Define the layer for base pagebreaks. Currently
is the only layer supported.Defaults to unset.
- --skip|-s <foundry>[#<layer>]
Skip specific annotations by specifying the foundry (and optionally the layer with a
-prefix), e.g.Mate
. Alternatively you can skip#ALL
. Can be set multiple times. - --anno|-a <foundry>#<layer>
Convert specific annotations by specifying the foundry (and optionally the layer with a
-prefix), e.g.Mate
. Can be set multiple times. - --non-word-tokens|-nwt
Tokenize non-word tokens like word tokens (defined as matching
). Useful to treat punctuations as tokens.Defaults to unset.
- --non-verbal-tokens|-nvt
Tokenize non-verbal tokens marked as in the primary data as the unicode symbol 'Black Vertical Rectangle' aka \x25ae.
Defaults to unset.
- --jobs|-j
Define the number of concurrent jobs in seperated forks for archive processing. Defaults to
(everything runs in a single process).If
is not set to true, this will also apply to extraction.Pass -1, and the value will be set automatically to 5 times the number of available cores, in case Sys::Info is available. This is experimental.
- --koral|-k
Version of the output format. Supported versions are:
for legacy serialization,0.03
for serialization with metadata fields as key-values on the root object,0.4
for serialization with metadata fields as a list of"@type":"koral:field"
objects.Currently defaults to
. - --sequential-extraction|-se
Flag to indicate, if the
value also applies to extraction. Some systems may have problems with extracting multiple archives to the same folder at the same time. Can be flagged using--no-sequential-extraction
as well. Defaults tofalse
. - --meta|-m
Define the metadata parser to use. Defaults to
. Metadata parsers can be defined in theKorAP::XML::Meta
namespace. This is experimental. - --gzip|-z
Compress the output. Expects a defined
file in single processing. - --cache|-c
File to mmap a cache (using Cache::FastMmap). Defaults to
in the calling directory. - --cache-size|-cs
Size of the cache. Defaults to
. - --cache-init|-ci
Initialize cache file. Can be flagged using
as well. Defaults totrue
. - --cache-delete|-cd
Delete cache file after processing. Can be flagged using
as well. Defaults totrue
. - --config|-cfg
Configure the parameters of your call in a file of key-value pairs with whitespace separator
overwrite 1 token DeReKo#Structure ...
Supported parameters are:
(semicolon separated),sigle
(semicolon separated),anno
(semicolon separated).Configuration parameters will always be overwritten by passed parameters.
- --temporary-extract|-te
Only valid for the
commands.This will first extract all files into a directory and then will archive. If the directory is given as
, a temporary directory is used. This is especially useful to avoid massive unzipping and potential network latency. - --to-tar
Only valid for the
command.Writes the output into a tar archive.
- --sigle|-sg
Extract the given texts. Can be set multiple times. Currently only supported on
. Sigles have the structureCorpus
. In case theText
path is omitted, the whole document will be extracted. On the document level, the postfix wildcard*
is supported. - --lang
Preferred language for metadata fields. In case multiple titles are given (on any level) with different
attributes, the language given is preferred. Because titles may have different sources and different priorities, non-specific language titles may still be preferred in case the title source has a higher priority. - --log|-l
The Log::Any log level, defaults to
. - --quiet
Silence all information (non-log) outputs.
- --help|-h
Print help information.
- --version|-v
Print version information.
KorAP::XML::Krill has built-in importer for some annotation foundries and layers developed in the KorAP project that are part of the KorAP preprocessing pipeline. The base foundry with paragraphs, sentences, and the text element are mandatory for Krill.
More importers are in preparation. New annotation importers can be defined in the KorAP::XML::Annotation
namespace. See the built-in annotation importers as examples.
KorAP::XML::Krill has built-in importer for some meta data variants developed in the KorAP project that are part of the KorAP preprocessing pipeline.
- I5 - Meta data for all I5 files
- Sgbr - Meta data from the Schreibgebrauch project
- Gingko - Meta data from the Gingko project in addition to I5
- ICC - Meta data for the ICC in addition to I5
More importers are in preparation. New meta data importers can be defined in the KorAP::XML::Meta
namespace. See the built-in meta data importers as examples.
KorAP-XML (Ba�ski et al. 2012) is an implementation of the KorAP data model (Ba�ski et al. 2013), where text data are stored physically separated from their interpretations (i.e. annotations). A text document in KorAP-XML therefore consists of several files containing primary data, metadata and annotations.
The structure of a single KorAP-XML document can be as follows:
- data.xml
- header.xml
+ base
- tokens.xml
- ...
+ struct
- structure.xml
- ...
+ corenlp
- morpho.xml
- constituency.xml
- ...
+ tree_tagger
- morpho.xml
- ...
- ...
The data.xml
contains the primary data, the header.xml
contains the metadata, and the annotation layers are stored in subfolders like base
, struct
or corenlp
(so-called "foundries"; Ba�ski et al. 2013).
Metadata is available in the TEI-P5 variant I5 (Lüngen and Sperberg-McQueen 2012). See the documentation in KorAP::XML::Meta::I5 for translatable fields.
Annotations correspond to a variant of the TEI-P5 feature structures (TEI Consortium; Lee et al. 2004). Annotation feature structures refer to character sequences of the primary text inside the text
element of the data.xml
. A single annotation containing the lemma of a token can have the following structure:
<span from="0" to="3">
<fs type="lex" xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<f name="lex">
<f name="lemma">zum</f>
The from
and to
attributes are refering to the character span in the primary text. Depending on the kind of annotation (e.g. token-based, span-based, relation-based), the structure may vary. See KorAP::XML::Annotation::* for various annotation preprocessors.
Multiple KorAP-XML documents are organized on three levels following the "IDS Textmodell" (Lüngen and Sperberg-McQueen 2012): corpus > document > text. On each level metadata information can be stored, that korapxml2krill
will merge to a single metadata object per text. A corpus is therefore structured as follows:
+ <corpus>
- header.xml
+ <document>
- header.xml
+ <text>
- data.xml
- header.xml
- ...
- ...
A single text can be identified by the concatenation of the corpus identifier, the document identifier and the text identifier. This identifier is called the text sigle (e.g. a text with the identifier 18486
in the document 060
in the corpus WPD17
has the text sigle WPD17/060/18486
, see --sigle
These corpora are often stored in zip files, with which korapxml2krill
can deal with. Corpora may also be split in multiple zip archives (e.g. one zip file per foundry), which is also supported (see --input
Examples for KorAP-XML files are included in KorAP::XML::Krill in form of a test suite. The resulting JSON format merges all annotation layers based on a single token stream.
Piotr Ba�ski, Cyril Belica, Helge Krause, Marc Kupietz, Carsten Schnober, Oliver Schonefeld, and Andreas Witt (2011): KorAP data model: first approximation, December.
Piotr Ba�ski, Peter M. Fischer, Elena Frick, Erik Ketzan, Marc Kupietz, Carsten Schnober, Oliver Schonefeld and Andreas Witt (2012): "The New IDS Corpus Analysis Platform: Challenges and Prospects", Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012). PDF
Piotr Ba�ski, Elena Frick, Michael Hanl, Marc Kupietz, Carsten Schnober and Andreas Witt (2013): "Robust corpus architecture: a new look at virtual collections and data access", Corpus Linguistics 2013. Abstract Book. Lancaster: UCREL, pp. 23-25. PDF
Kiyong Lee, Lou Burnard, Laurent Romary, Eric de la Clergerie, Thierry Declerck, Syd Bauman, Harry Bunt, Lionel Clément, Tomaz Erjavec, Azim Roussanaly and Claude Roux (2004): "Towards an international standard on featurestructure representation", Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004), pp. 373-376. PDF
Harald Lüngen and C. M. Sperberg-McQueen (2012): "A TEI P5 Document Grammar for the IDS Text Model", Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, Issue 3 | November 2012. PDF
TEI Consortium, eds: "Feature Structures", Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. html
Copyright (C) 2015-2024, IDS Mannheim
Author: Nils Diewald
Contributor: Eliza Margaretha
KorAP::XML::Krill is developed as part of the KorAP Corpus Analysis Platform at the Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS), member of the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft.
This program is free software published under the BSD-2 License.