- Before getting into it, make sure you have read this blog
- Also, make sure to read the CONTRIBUTING guidelines
Ⅰ. First star ⭐️ the repo.
Ⅱ. Fork the project.
Ⅲ. Clone the project to run on your local machine using the following command:
git clone URL of forked repo
Ⅳ. Get into the root directory if you are not
cd Getting-started-with-Git-Githube
Ⅴ . Create your branch.
git checkout -b <your_github_username>
example: git chekcout -b suraj/contributor
Ⅵ. Move to Contributors directory.
cd Contributors
Ⅶ. Create a directory.
mkdir your_github_username
Ⅷ. Create a markdown file.
touch your_github_username/your_name.md
Ⅸ. Add your details in the markdown file and save it.
Name: John Doe
GitHub_username: JohnD-00
Linkedin/Twitter: Link_of_Social_post_where_you_share_your_learning
Ⅹ. Stage your changes
git add filename
git add . // the '.' means here to add all the files
Ⅺ. Commit your changes
git commit -m "your-commit-message"
Ⅻ.Push your changes to your branch
git push origin "your_branch_name"
Ⅼ. Create a pull request so, that we can merge it.
XIII. Share your learning with this repo on social.
- Basic of the Git and Github.
- You start your open-source journey by contributing to this repository.
Thank you so much for your time, effort, and dedication! 😄
View the list of all contributors here.
LinksHub is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. check out LICENSE for details.
We would love to have you, feel free to open issues and pull requests, and Don't forget to leave a star⭐