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YAML parser for Zig

What is it?

This lib is meant to serve as a basic (or maybe not?) YAML parser for Zig. It will strive to be YAML 1.2 compatible but one step at a time.

This is very much a work-in-progress, so expect things to break on a regular basis. Oh, I'd love to get the community involved in helping out with this btw! Feel free to fork and submit patches, enhancements, and of course issues.

Basic installation

The library can be installed using the Zig tools. First, you need to fetch the required release of the library into your project.

zig fetch --save[RELEASE_VERSION].tar.gz

It's more convenient to save the library with a desired name, for example, like this:

zig fetch --save=yaml

And then add those lines to your project's build.zig file:

// add that code after "b.installArtifact(exe)" line
const yaml = b.dependency("yaml", .{
  .target = target,
  .optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("yaml", yaml.module("yaml"));

After that, you can simply import the zig-yaml library in your project's code by using const yaml = @import("yaml");.

Basic usage

The parser currently understands a few YAML primitives such as:

  • explicit documents (---, ...)
  • mappings (:)
  • sequences (-, [, ])

In fact, if you head over to examples/ dir, you will find YAML examples that have been tested against this parser. You can also have a look at end-to-end test inputs in test/ directory.

If you want to use the parser as a library, add it as a package the usual way, and then:

const std = @import("std");
const Yaml = @import("yaml").Yaml;
const gpa = std.testing.allocator;

const source =
    \\names: [ John Doe, MacIntosh, Jane Austin ]
    \\  - 10
    \\  - -8
    \\  - 6
    \\  some: one
    \\  wick: john doe
    \\finally: [ 8.17,
    \\           19.78      , 17 ,
    \\           21 ]

var yaml: Yaml = .{ .source = source };
defer yaml.deinit(gpa);
  1. For untyped, raw representation of YAML, use Yaml.load:
try yaml.load(gpa, source);

try std.testing.expectEqual(, 1);

const map =[0].map;
try std.testing.expect(map.contains("names"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(map.get("names").?.list.len, 3);
  1. For typed representation of YAML, use Yaml.parse:
const Simple = struct {
    names: []const []const u8,
    numbers: []const i16,
    nested: struct {
        some: []const u8,
        wick: []const u8,
    finally: [4]f16,

var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(gpa);
defer arena.deinit();

const simple = try yaml.parse(arena.allocator(), Simple);
try std.testing.expectEqual(simple.names.len, 3);
  1. To convert Yaml structure back into text representation, use Yaml.stringify:
try yaml.stringify(;

which should write the following output to standard output when run:

names: [ John Doe, MacIntosh, Jane Austin  ]
numbers: [ 10, -8, 6  ]
    some: one
    wick: john doe
finally: [ 8.17, 19.78, 17, 21  ]

Error handling

The library currently reports user-friendly, more informative parsing errors only which are stored out-of-band. They can be accessed via Yaml.parse_errors: std.zig.ErrorBundle, but typically you would only hook them up to your error reporting setup.

For example, example/yaml.zig binary does it like so:

var yaml: Yaml = .{ .source = source };
defer yaml.deinit(allocator);

yaml.load(allocator) catch |err| switch (err) {
    error.ParseFailure => {
        assert(yaml.parse_errors.errorMessageCount() > 0);
        yaml.parse_errors.renderToStdErr(.{ .ttyconf = });
        return error.ParseFailure;
    else => return err,

Running YAML spec test suite

Remember to clone the repo with submodules first

git clone --recurse-submodules

Then, you can run the test suite as follows

zig build test -Denable-spec-tests

See also issue #48 for a meta issue tracking failing spec tests.

Any test that you think of working on and would like to include in the spec tests (that was previously skipped), can be removed from the skipped tests lists in


Lines 239 to 562 in b3cc3a3

const skipped_tests = &[_][]const u8{
"JR7V - Question marks in scalars",
"UDM2 - Plain URL in flow mapping",
"8MK2 - Explicit Non-Specific Tag",
"6XDY - Two document start markers",
"652Z - Question mark at start of flow key",
"PUW8 - Document start on last line",
"FBC9 - Allowed characters in plain scalars",
"5TRB - Invalid document-start marker in doublequoted tring",
"9MQT/01 - Scalar doc with '...' in content",
"9MQT/00 - Scalar doc with '...' in content",
"CPZ3 - Doublequoted scalar starting with a tab",
"8XYN - Anchor with unicode character",
"Y2GN - Anchor with colon in the middle",
"KSS4 - Scalars on --- line",
"FTA2 - Single block sequence with anchor and explicit document start",
"3R3P - Single block sequence with anchor",
"F2C7 - Anchors and Tags",
"TS54 - Folded Block Scalar",
"MZX3 - Non-Specific Tags on Scalars",
"AB8U - Sequence entry that looks like two with wrong indentation",
"9MAG - Flow sequence with invalid comma at the beginning",
"YJV2 - Dash in flow sequence",
"FUP4 - Flow Sequence in Flow Sequence",
"33X3 - Three explicit integers in a block sequence",
"2AUY - Tags in Block Sequence",
"SM9W/00 - Single character streams",
"G5U8 - Plain dashes in flow sequence",
"DHP8 - Flow Sequence",
"3MYT - Plain Scalar looking like key, comment, anchor and tag",
"A984 - Multiline Scalar in Mapping",
"S7BG - Colon followed by comma",
"HM87/00 - Scalars in flow start with syntax char",
"HM87/01 - Scalars in flow start with syntax char",
"4V8U - Plain scalar with backslashes",
"H3Z8 - Literal unicode",
"82AN - Three dashes and content without space",
"BS4K - Comment between plain scalar lines",
"FH7J - Tags on Empty Scalars",
"CQ3W - Double quoted string without closing quote",
"Y79Y/001 - Tabs in various contexts",
"Y79Y/006 - Tabs in various contexts",
"Y79Y/010 - Tabs in various contexts",
"Y79Y/003 - Tabs in various contexts",
"Y79Y/004 - Tabs in various contexts",
"Y79Y/005 - Tabs in various contexts",
"Y79Y/002 - Tabs in various contexts",
"9YRD - Multiline Scalar at Top Level",
"CFD4 - Empty implicit key in single pair flow sequences",
"3UYS - Escaped slash in double quotes",
"Y79Y/008 - Tabs in various contexts",
"UV7Q - Legal tab after indentation",
"SKE5 - Anchor before zero indented sequence",
"EW3V - Wrong indendation in mapping",
"DK95/03 - Tabs that look like indentation",
"DK95/04 - Tabs that look like indentation",
"DK95/05 - Tabs that look like indentation",
"DK95/07 - Tabs that look like indentation",
"DK95/00 - Tabs that look like indentation",
"DK95/01 - Tabs that look like indentation",
"DK95/06 - Tabs that look like indentation",
"ZVH3 - Wrong indented sequence item",
"96NN/00 - Leading tab content in literals",
"96NN/01 - Leading tab content in literals",
"F6MC - More indented lines at the beginning of folded block scalars",
"Y79Y/009 - Tabs in various contexts",
"Y79Y/000 - Tabs in various contexts",
"Y79Y/007 - Tabs in various contexts",
"KH5V/01 - Inline tabs in double quoted",
"KH5V/02 - Inline tabs in double quoted",
"Q5MG - Tab at beginning of line followed by a flow mapping",
"4RWC - Trailing spaces after flow collection",
"LP6E - Whitespace After Scalars in Flow",
"NHX8 - Empty Lines at End of Document",
"NB6Z - Multiline plain value with tabs on empty lines",
"DE56/01 - Trailing tabs in double quoted",
"DE56/00 - Trailing tabs in double quoted",
"DE56/02 - Trailing tabs in double quoted",
"DE56/05 - Trailing tabs in double quoted",
"DE56/04 - Trailing tabs in double quoted",
"DE56/03 - Trailing tabs in double quoted",
"L24T/01 - Trailing line of spaces",
"L24T/00 - Trailing line of spaces",
"3RLN/01 - Leading tabs in double quoted",
"3RLN/04 - Leading tabs in double quoted",
"9MMA - Directive by itself with no document",
"MUS6/06 - Directive variants",
"MUS6/02 - Directive variants",
"MUS6/05 - Directive variants",
"MUS6/04 - Directive variants",
"MUS6/03 - Directive variants",
"XLQ9 - Multiline scalar that looks like a YAML directive",
"M2N8/01 - Question mark edge cases",
"M2N8/00 - Question mark edge cases",
"UKK6/01 - Syntax character edge cases",
"UKK6/00 - Syntax character edge cases",
"UKK6/02 - Syntax character edge cases",
"6H3V - Backslashes in singlequotes",
"U3C3 - Spec Example 6.16. “TAG” directive",
"DBG4 - Spec Example 7.10. Plain Characters",
"MJS9 - Spec Example 6.7. Block Folding",
"96L6 - Spec Example 2.14. In the folded scalars, newlines become spaces",
"4CQQ - Spec Example 2.18. Multi-line Flow Scalars",
"6CK3 - Spec Example 6.26. Tag Shorthands",
"BEC7 - Spec Example 6.14. “YAML” directive",
"WZ62 - Spec Example 7.2. Empty Content",
"5TYM - Spec Example 6.21. Local Tag Prefix",
"27NA - Spec Example 5.9. Directive Indicator",
"JHB9 - Spec Example 2.7. Two Documents in a Stream",
"LQZ7 - Spec Example 7.4. Double Quoted Implicit Keys",
"S4JQ - Spec Example 6.28. Non-Specific Tags",
"G992 - Spec Example 8.9. Folded Scalar",
"YD5X - Spec Example 2.5. Sequence of Sequences",
"8UDB - Spec Example 7.14. Flow Sequence Entries",
"6ZKB - Spec Example 9.6. Stream",
"G4RS - Spec Example 2.17. Quoted Scalars",
"6LVF - Spec Example 6.13. Reserved Directives",
"5KJE - Spec Example 7.13. Flow Sequence",
"6VJK - Spec Example 2.15. Folded newlines are preserved for \"more indented\" and blank lines",
"K527 - Spec Example 6.6. Line Folding",
"SU5Z - Comment without whitespace after doublequoted scalar",
"L383 - Two scalar docs with trailing comments",
"DC7X - Various trailing tabs",
"U3XV - Node and Mapping Key Anchors",
"Q9WF - Spec Example 6.12. Separation Spaces",
"7T8X - Spec Example 8.10. Folded Lines - 8.13. Final Empty Lines",
"CML9 - Missing comma in flow",
"P94K - Spec Example 6.11. Multi-Line Comments",
"7TMG - Comment in flow sequence before comma",
"DK3J - Zero indented block scalar with line that looks like a comment",
"SYW4 - Spec Example 2.2. Mapping Scalars to Scalars",
"735Y - Spec Example 8.20. Block Node Types",
"B3HG - Spec Example 8.9. Folded Scalar [1.3]",
"6WLZ - Spec Example 6.18. Primary Tag Handle [1.3]",
"EX5H - Multiline Scalar at Top Level [1.3]",
"4Q9F - Folded Block Scalar [1.3]",
"Q8AD - Spec Example 7.5. Double Quoted Line Breaks [1.3]",
"6WPF - Spec Example 6.8. Flow Folding [1.3]",
"SSW6 - Spec Example 7.7. Single Quoted Characters [1.3]",
"9DXL - Spec Example 9.6. Stream [1.3]",
"EXG3 - Three dashes and content without space [1.3]",
"T4YY - Spec Example 7.9. Single Quoted Lines [1.3]",
"9TFX - Spec Example 7.6. Double Quoted Lines [1.3]",
"93WF - Spec Example 6.6. Line Folding [1.3]",
"52DL - Explicit Non-Specific Tag [1.3]",
"2LFX - Spec Example 6.13. Reserved Directives [1.3]",
"PW8X - Anchors on Empty Scalars",
"XW4D - Various Trailing Comments",
"NP9H - Spec Example 7.5. Double Quoted Line Breaks",
"HS5T - Spec Example 7.12. Plain Lines",
"J3BT - Spec Example 5.12. Tabs and Spaces",
"PRH3 - Spec Example 7.9. Single Quoted Lines",
"7A4E - Spec Example 7.6. Double Quoted Lines",
"TL85 - Spec Example 6.8. Flow Folding",
"8G76 - Spec Example 6.10. Comment Lines",
"98YD - Spec Example 5.5. Comment Indicator",
"M29M - Literal Block Scalar",
"P2AD - Spec Example 8.1. Block Scalar Header",
"T26H - Spec Example 8.8. Literal Content [1.3]",
"W42U - Spec Example 8.15. Block Sequence Entry Types",
"XV9V - Spec Example 6.5. Empty Lines [1.3]",
"5GBF - Spec Example 6.5. Empty Lines",
"JEF9/01 - Trailing whitespace in streams",
"JEF9/00 - Trailing whitespace in streams",
"JEF9/02 - Trailing whitespace in streams",
"A6F9 - Spec Example 8.4. Chomping Final Line Break",
"4ZYM - Spec Example 6.4. Line Prefixes",
"6FWR - Block Scalar Keep",
"2G84/01 - Literal modifers",
"2G84/00 - Literal modifers",
"DWX9 - Spec Example 8.8. Literal Content",
"F8F9 - Spec Example 8.5. Chomping Trailing Lines",
"MYW6 - Block Scalar Strip",
"H2RW - Blank lines",
"6JQW - Spec Example 2.13. In literals, newlines are preserved",
"K858 - Spec Example 8.6. Empty Scalar Chomping",
"5BVJ - Spec Example 5.7. Block Scalar Indicators",
"T5N4 - Spec Example 8.7. Literal Scalar [1.3]",
"M9B4 - Spec Example 8.7. Literal Scalar",
"753E - Block Scalar Strip [1.3]",
"HMK4 - Spec Example 2.16. Indentation determines scope",
"Z9M4 - Spec Example 6.22. Global Tag Prefix",
"9WXW - Spec Example 6.18. Primary Tag Handle",
"565N - Construct Binary",
"P76L - Spec Example 6.19. Secondary Tag Handle",
"CC74 - Spec Example 6.20. Tag Handles",
"CUP7 - Spec Example 5.6. Node Property Indicators",
"6M2F - Aliases in Explicit Block Mapping",
"HMQ5 - Spec Example 6.23. Node Properties",
"JS2J - Spec Example 6.29. Node Anchors",
"LE5A - Spec Example 7.24. Flow Nodes",
"C4HZ - Spec Example 2.24. Global Tags",
"X38W - Aliases in Flow Objects",
"W5VH - Allowed characters in alias",
"V55R - Aliases in Block Sequence",
"6KGN - Anchor for empty node",
"4QFQ - Spec Example 8.2. Block Indentation Indicator [1.3]",
"R4YG - Spec Example 8.2. Block Indentation Indicator",
"6BCT - Spec Example 6.3. Separation Spaces",
"UT92 - Spec Example 9.4. Explicit Documents",
"7Z25 - Bare document after document end marker",
"EB22 - Missing document-end marker before directive",
"3HFZ - Invalid content after document end marker",
"QT73 - Comment and document-end marker",
"HWV9 - Document-end marker",
"RXY3 - Invalid document-end marker in single quoted string",
"RTP8 - Spec Example 9.2. Document Markers",
"W4TN - Spec Example 9.5. Directives Documents",
"M7A3 - Spec Example 9.3. Bare Documents",
"RZT7 - Spec Example 2.28. Log File",
"5T43 - Colon at the beginning of adjacent flow scalar",
"7BUB - Spec Example 2.10. Node for “Sammy Sosa” appears twice in this document",
"5C5M - Spec Example 7.15. Flow Mappings",
"ZCZ6 - Invalid mapping in plain single line value",
"5MUD - Colon and adjacent value on next line",
"54T7 - Flow Mapping",
"6SLA - Allowed characters in quoted mapping key",
"X8DW - Explicit key and value seperated by comment",
"S3PD - Spec Example 8.18. Implicit Block Mapping Entries",
"4ABK - Flow Mapping Separate Values",
"8KB6 - Multiline plain flow mapping key without value",
"7W2P - Block Mapping with Missing Values",
"ZWK4 - Key with anchor after missing explicit mapping value",
"2SXE - Anchors With Colon in Name",
"4FJ6 - Nested implicit complex keys",
"ZF4X - Spec Example 2.6. Mapping of Mappings",
"ZH7C - Anchors in Mapping",
"TE2A - Spec Example 8.16. Block Mappings",
"SM9W/01 - Single character streams",
"KK5P - Various combinations of explicit block mappings",
"5U3A - Sequence on same Line as Mapping Key",
"8QBE - Block Sequence in Block Mapping",
"26DV - Whitespace around colon in mappings",
"CT4Q - Spec Example 7.20. Single Pair Explicit Entry",
"NKF9 - Empty keys in block and flow mapping",
"R52L - Nested flow mapping sequence and mappings",
"87E4 - Spec Example 7.8. Single Quoted Implicit Keys",
"UGM3 - Spec Example 2.27. Invoice",
"NJ66 - Multiline plain flow mapping key",
"QF4Y - Spec Example 7.19. Single Pair Flow Mappings",
"E76Z - Aliases in Implicit Block Mapping",
"DFF7 - Spec Example 7.16. Flow Mapping Entries",
"6JWB - Tags for Block Objects",
"2JQS - Block Mapping with Missing Keys",
"D88J - Flow Sequence in Block Mapping",
"3GZX - Spec Example 7.1. Alias Nodes",
"5NYZ - Spec Example 6.9. Separated Comment",
"8CWC - Plain mapping key ending with colon",
"5WE3 - Spec Example 8.17. Explicit Block Mapping Entries",
"4EJS - Invalid tabs as indendation in a mapping",
"JTV5 - Block Mapping with Multiline Scalars",
"EHF6 - Tags for Flow Objects",
"M7NX - Nested flow collections",
"CN3R - Various location of anchors in flow sequence",
"K3WX - Colon and adjacent value after comment on next line",
"C2DT - Spec Example 7.18. Flow Mapping Adjacent Values",
"36F6 - Multiline plain scalar with empty line",
"Q88A - Spec Example 7.23. Flow Content",
"L9U5 - Spec Example 7.11. Plain Implicit Keys",
"F3CP - Nested flow collections on one line",
"93JH - Block Mappings in Block Sequence",
"V9D5 - Spec Example 8.19. Compact Block Mappings",
"74H7 - Tags in Implicit Mapping",
"RR7F - Mixed Block Mapping (implicit to explicit)",
"J9HZ - Spec Example 2.9. Single Document with Two Comments",
"229Q - Spec Example 2.4. Sequence of Mappings",
"57H4 - Spec Example 8.22. Block Collection Nodes",
"9SA2 - Multiline double quoted flow mapping key",
"MXS3 - Flow Mapping in Block Sequence",
"L94M - Tags in Explicit Mapping",
"J7VC - Empty Lines Between Mapping Elements",
"J7PZ - Spec Example 2.26. Ordered Mappings",
"9KAX - Various combinations of tags and anchors",
"7ZZ5 - Empty flow collections",
"9U5K - Spec Example 2.12. Compact Nested Mapping",
"6PBE - Zero-indented sequences in explicit mapping keys",
"ZL4Z - Invalid nested mapping",
"S4T7 - Document with footer",
"4MUZ/01 - Flow mapping colon on line after key",
"4MUZ/00 - Flow mapping colon on line after key",
"4MUZ/02 - Flow mapping colon on line after key",
"9KBC - Mapping starting at --- line",
"9BXH - Multiline doublequoted flow mapping key without value",
"9MMW - Single Pair Implicit Entries",
"7BMT - Node and Mapping Key Anchors [1.3]",
"LX3P - Implicit Flow Mapping Key on one line",
"PBJ2 - Spec Example 2.3. Mapping Scalars to Sequences",
"JQ4R - Spec Example 8.14. Block Sequence",
"2EBW - Allowed characters in keys",
"SBG9 - Flow Sequence in Flow Mapping",
"UDR7 - Spec Example 5.4. Flow Collection Indicators",
"FRK4 - Spec Example 7.3. Completely Empty Flow Nodes",
"35KP - Tags for Root Objects",
"58MP - Flow mapping edge cases",
"S9E8 - Spec Example 5.3. Block Structure Indicators",
"6BFJ - Mapping, key and flow sequence item anchors",
"RZP5 - Various Trailing Comments [1.3]",
"2XXW - Spec Example 2.25. Unordered Sets",
"7FWL - Spec Example 6.24. Verbatim Tags",
"M5DY - Spec Example 2.11. Mapping between Sequences",
"GH63 - Mixed Block Mapping (explicit to implicit)",
"HU3P - Invalid Mapping in plain scalar",
"6HB6 - Spec Example 6.1. Indentation Spaces",
"FP8R - Zero indented block scalar",
"Z67P - Spec Example 8.21. Block Scalar Nodes [1.3]",
"A2M4 - Spec Example 6.2. Indentation Indicators",
"VJP3/01 - Flow collections over many lines",
"6CA3 - Tab indented top flow",
"BU8L - Node Anchor and Tag on Seperate Lines",
"4HVU - Wrong indendation in Sequence",
"U44R - Bad indentation in mapping (2)",
"DMG6 - Wrong indendation in Map",
"ZK9H - Nested top level flow mapping",
"M6YH - Block sequence indentation",
"M5C3 - Spec Example 8.21. Block Scalar Nodes",
"9C9N - Wrong indented flow sequence",
"N4JP - Bad indentation in mapping",
"4WA9 - Literal scalars",
"QB6E - Wrong indented multiline quoted scalar",
"D83L - Block scalar indicator order",
"RLU9 - Sequence Indent",
"UV7Q - Legal tab after indentation",
"K54U - Tab after document header",