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Tic Tac Toe

This is a real-time Tic-Tac-Toe game. The front-end consists of HTML5 Canvas to draw the game board, and WebSockets to pass two-way game information and statistics in real-time. The back-end consists of an NGINX proxy that also serves the static assets, several Node.js WebSocket handlers, a Redis pub/sub queue, and RethinkDB for persistent storage.

The entire stack runs in a handful of Docker containers, and is super-easy to deploy on a platform like Carina.

Play the game

Read the blog post


Before you start: This application depends on overlay networks, so you'll need to run this on a Docker host that supports them. Any Carina cluster created after 2016-02-15 has this capability.

  1. First, clone the GitHub repo. This repo contains all of the application code and Docker scripts needed to start the right containers and run the entire application.
  2. Copy env.example to a new file named env and set the environment variables with values that are appropriate for your environment. For simplicity, set NGINX_SSL to 0 to avoid the extra complication of getting certificates from Let's Encrypt.
  3. Run script/setup. This runs a long series of Bash scripts found in script/ that create data volume containers, build custom images, and start the containers necessary to run the app.
  4. Run $(docker port ttt_nginx_proxy_1 80) to get the public IP address of the NGINX proxy container. Visiting this IP address exposes the front-end of the tic-tac-toe game. Visiting /live/ proxies to the WebSocket handlers, and visiting /rethinkdb/ proxies to the RethinkDB web interface, if you've assigne a password to ${NGINX_RETHINKDB_PASS}.


For the purpose of demonstration, the repo contains application code for several different components that would ideally be contained in separate repositories.

  • app/ contains a Node.js application that acts a WebSocket server for game clients. This application expects to have access to a RethinkDB server and a Redis server.
  • bot/ contains a very poorly-written WebSocket client that plays games of tic-tac-toe indefinitely. It "thinks" (twiddles its thumbs) for a random amount of time between 0.8 and 1.8 seconds, then picks a random available spot on the game board.
  • cron/ contains a simple Bash script that renews an SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt. When the cron container is running, the script runs and renews the certificate monthly.
  • db-schema/ contains a Node.js script that creates the databases, tables, and indexes the application needs to run.
  • frontend/ contains the SCSS and Javascript for the front-end of the game. It also contains Bash scripts to compile these assets into browser-ready assets.
  • nginx/ contains a Nunjucks template for an NGINX configuration file. This template is rendered by script/update-nginx, which then copies the final configuration file to the appropriate data container and tells NGINX to reload its config.

Admin scripts

script/ contains all the commands needed to set up and run the application's various containers. They all have pretty self-explanatory names. Each of the scripts is fairly idempotent, so they can be run multiple times without changing the overall state of the application too much.

N.B: script/update-frontend and script/update-nginx are Node.js command-line scripts, so you'll need a working Node environment on your local machine to run them. Sorry about that.