- upload image from frontend
- upload the image to ipfs using pinata
- make json(put random info for now/ can be taken from user too) and upload it to ipfs using pinata
- now we can mint the nft
- get back to user by some means on frontend
Initially did it manually by using one file then next and so on
made the market place manually although used some basic code to generate jsons automatically
tried minting multiple nfts together but got a wierd error (yeah dint ask on unidao discord) (present in nft-collection folder)
nft collection -there are few blank and few repetetions but yeah i did it.
Make a basic front end
Integrate the frontend to automatically perform the above tasks (could not complete , somewhere in midway with errors)
Now we can include metamask in the process
Clone the project
git clone https://link-to-project
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run start