In this project you can see an example implementation of JWTMiddleware. The approach can be used in micro-services or webpages that need to verify incoming JWTs and use the data somehow.
You will need to add the following two packages to your Package.swift
.package(url: "", from: "3.0.0-rc"),
.package(url: "", from: "0.6.1"),
And add JWTMiddleware
as well as JWT
to all the target dependency arrays you want to access the package in.
Complete the installation by running vapor update
or swift package update
You will need to register two services in your configure.swift
/// We need this for the JWTProvider, coming from Vapor
try services.register(StorageProvider())
/// Adding the JWTProvider for us to validate JWTs
try services.register(JWTProvider { n in
let headers = JWTHeader(alg: "RS256", crit: ["exp", "aud"]) // change as needed
return try RSAService(n: n, e: "AQAB", header: headers
To work with the payload from the JWT you will need a payload model:
import Foundation
import JWT
import JWTMiddleware
/// A representation of the payload used in the access tokens
/// for this service's authentication.
struct Payload: IdentifiableJWTPayload {
let exp: TimeInterval
let iat: TimeInterval
// These two are to be customized according to what is in the JWT
let email: String
let id: Int
func verify() throws {
let expiration = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: self.exp)
try ExpirationClaim(value: expiration).verify()
Routes can look any way you like but here are two examples:
// This simple validates the request, no payload data is used
let protected = router.grouped(JWTVerificationMiddleware()).grouped("protected")
protected.get("test") { req in
return "You need to have a valid JWT for this!"
// Here we are using the data
let user = router.grouped(JWTStorageMiddleware<Payload>()).grouped("user")
user.get("me") { req -> String in
let payload:Payload = try req.get("skelpo-payload")!
// You can now use the payload and do with it whatever you like.
// For example you can use the user id to load related data or save data.
return "This is the ID from the JWT: \("