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Kapacitor troubleshooting

Khelil Sator edited this page Feb 10, 2019 · 6 revisions

You can use Heathbot to:

  • collect data from the network
  • store the data collected
  • process the data collected

Kapacitor is a data processing engine.

This wiki page can be useful for troubleshooting purpose.

list Kapacitor containers

Healthbot uses Kapacitor containers.
Run this command on healthbot to list Kapacitor containers

$ docker ps | grep kapacitor

fetch Kapacitor logs

Run this command to list Kapacitor containers

$ docker ps | grep kapacitor

Run this command to fetch the logs of a container

$ docker logs <container_id>

Example with container_id bcdd87c33c50

$ docker logs bcdd87c33c50

Start a shell session in a Kapacitor container

Run this command to list Kapacitor containers

$ docker ps | grep kapacitor

Start a shell session in an Kapacitor container

$ docker exec -it <container-id> bash

Example with container_id bcdd87c33c50

$ docker exec -it bcdd87c33c50 bash

display Kapacitor configuration

The Kapacitor configuration file uses a TOML format (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language)

Start a shell session in a Kapacitor container

use the config command of the Kapacitor daemon to display the Kapacitor configuration

root@bcdd87c33c50:/# kapacitord config

or run this command to display the Kapacitor configuration

root@bcdd87c33c50:/# more /etc/jfit/kapacitor.conf

Kapacitor tasks

Start a shell session in a Kapacitor container

run this command to list Kapacitor tasks

root@bcdd87c33c50:/# kapacitor list tasks

Kapacitor uses TICKscript to define tasks.
TICKscript is used in .tick files.
run this command to list the .tick files

root@bcdd87c33c50:/# ls /etc/jfit/load_dir/tasks/*.tick

Healthbot functions

Healthbot UDF (User-Defined-Functions) are executed on kapacitor containers.

Start a shell session in a Kapacitor container
Run this command to list Healthbot User-Defined-Functions

root@bcdd87c33c50:/# ls /etc/jfit/udfs/
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