- Time: (2024 February 18 - June 15) 234節, Wednesday
- Lecturer: Hauyu Baobab Liu (呂浩宇)
- Location: NSYSU, 化學系機電系中文班 (工EN 4055-1) / 生科系全英班 (理SC 0008)
- Language: 中文/全英
- Location: 理SC2006-3
- Time periods: Tue. 16:00-18:00; Thur. 16:00-18:00
- 確診感冒、流感、covid,或有其它口鼻症狀或傳染病者嚴禁進入我辦公室
- None
- Halliday & Resnick's Principles of Physics (11th ed.), chapter 37, Problems 1, 6, 7, 13, 21, 32, 37, 38, 39, 55
- Halliday & Resnick's Principles of Physics (11th ed.), chapter 38, Problems 1, 2, 5, 9, 11, 13, 23, 56
- Halliday & Resnick's Principles of Physics (11th ed.), chapter 39, Problems 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 22, 25, 32, 35, 54, 55
- Halliday & Resnick's Principles of Physics (11th ed.), chapter 40, Problems 17, 54, 57
- (February 21) 狹義相對論 special relativity PDF notes
- (February 28) 國定假日
- (March 06) 狹義相對論現象 special relativity related phenomena PDF notes
- (March 13) 運動會放假
- (March 20) 量子物理概念 general concept of quantum physics PDF notes
- (March 27) 自由電子波函數, 位能井 wave function of free electron, potential well
- (April 03) 氫原子模型, 元素週期表 periodic table PDF notes
- (April 10) 固態物理簡介 introduction to solid state physics PDF notes In addition, I came across this webpage which gives a very nice introduction about the pn junctions.
- (April 17) 中文班期中考(筆試); 全英班彈性學習
- (April 24) 靜電靜磁學 electric field/force, magnetic field/force PDF notes
- (May 01) 電生磁、磁生電 law of induction PDF notes
- (May 08) 基礎電路學 basic circuits PDF notes
- (May 17) 馬克士威方程、電磁波 Maxwell's equation, electromagnetic wave PDF notes
- (May 22) 物理光學 physical optics PDF notes
- (May 29) 幾何光學 geometric optics PDF notes
- (June 05) 中文班期末考(筆試); 全英班期末口試
- (June 12) 原子核物理簡介 introduction to nuclear physics PDF notes
- (June 19) 彈性學習
- Knowing modern physics, in particular, quantum physics.
- Knowing the theory of atoms and how to build periodic table.
- Broadly knowing the physical physical phenomena.
- This is a 3-credits' course. The expected weekly workload for you is 3 hours on average if you have no experience and knowledge in this area.
- homework: 0%
- mid-term exam: 中文班 50% / 全英班 0%
- final exam: 中文班 50% / 全英班 100%
- Jearl Walker, David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Principles of Physics 11th or 12th Edition.