A pair of red phalaropes (Phalaropus fulicarius). Illustration by Margherita Cragnolini.
This repository contains all data and code used for data analysis and figure production in Mutual mate guarding with limited sexual conflict in a sex-role reversed shorebird by
Johannes Krietsch ,
Mihai Valcu
Margherita Cragnolini,
Wolfgang Forstmeier
Bart Kempenaers
When using the data or code please cite the associated manuscript (in review) and [Open Science Framework repository](add link) (which is synchronized with this repository). Please do not hesitate to contact me ([email protected]) if you have any questions, trouble running the code, found bugs or ideas to develop the project further.
All data used in this analysis (click on the black arrows to see column definitions). Extracted from our database (see below).
– A table of all captures data
Columns are defined as:
: yearID
: metal band idUL
: upper left colour bandsUR
: upper right colour bandsLL
: lower left colour bandsLR
: lower right colour bandsgps_tagID
: id of the GPS tagsex
: field and genetic sex (F = female & M = male)lat
: capture location latitude (decimal degrees)lon
: capture location longitude (decimal degrees)caught_time
: date and time caughtdead
: bird was found dead = 1 or was caught alive = 0
– A table of all nests data
Columns are defined as:
: data types (see methods)year_
: yearnestID
: unique nest idmale_id
: male metal band idfemale_id
: female metal band idmale_assigned
: how the male was assigned: 0 = not, 1 = field, 2 = genetically, 3 = only GPStagfemale_assigned
: how the female was assigned: 0 = not, 1 = field, 2 = genetically, 3 = only GPStagfound_datetime
: date and time the nest was foundclutch_size
: total clutch sizeinitiation
: estimated date and time the first egg was laidinitiation_method
: method with which the initiation date was estimatedegg1
: estimated lay date of the first eggegg2
: estimated lay date of the second eggegg3
: estimated lay date of the third eggegg4
: estimated lay date of the forth egghatching_datetime
: method with which the hatching date was estimatednest_state
: last nest state: I = Incubated (active nest), P = Predated, D = Deserted, H = Hatched (received hatched chicks), U = Unknown, O = Observer (collected withour replacement)nest_state_date
: date and time the nest state was based onlat
: nest location latitude (decimal degrees)lon
: nest location longitude (decimal degrees)parentage
: logic if parentage was possibleanyEPY
: logic if any extra-pair young were found in the clutchN_parentage
: number of eggs with parentage dataN_EPY
: number of extra-pair youngfemale_clutch
: sequence of female clutches based on the initiation date (1st, 2nd or 3rd clutch) within seasonN_female_clutch
: total number of clutches within seasonpolyandrous
: logic if the female was social polyandrousmale_clutch
: sequence of male clutches based on the initiation date (1st or 2nd clutch) within seasonN_male_clutch
: total number of clutches within seasonclutch_together
: sequence of pairwise clutches based on the initiation date (1st or 2nd clutch) within seasonrenesting_male
: logic if the male was renestingm_tagged
: logic if the male was equipped with a GPS tagf_tagged
: logic if the female was equipped with a GPS tag
– A table of all observations data
Columns are defined as:
: yeardatetime_
: date and time of the observationobs_id
: unique observation idID
: metal band idUL
: upper left colour bandsUR
: upper right colour bandsLL
: lower left colour bandsLR
: lower right colour bandssex
: field and genetic sex (F = female & M = male)lat
: nest location latitude (decimal degrees)lon
: nest location longitude (decimal degrees)study_site
: logic if observation was within the intensive study sitehabitat
: habitat the bird was in (W = water, G = ground)aggres
: type of aggression D = Displacement/Chase, F = Fight, B = Beak Pointing, O = Other (see comments) and 0 = Receiver or 1 = Initiator (e.g. focal is initiating F) or nothing (if not identified)displ
: type of display: K = Kissing, P = Parallel Swim, F = Flapping and 0 = Receiver (e.g. F0) or 1 = Initiator (e.g. focal is initiating P) or nothing (if not identified)cop
: Copulation: S = Successful copulation, A = Attempted copulation + 0 = Receiver or 1 = Initiator/Invitation (e.g. focal is inviting male to copulate) or nothing (if not identified)cop_inv
: copulation with invitation: 1 = focal invited (presented tail), 0 = Copulation without invitationflight
: Flight: F = Flight, C = Chase, CF = Circle Flight + 0 = Receiver or 1 = Initiator (e.g. focal is chasing, displaying, etc.) or nothing (if not identified)voc
: did the birds vocalize: Y=Yes, N=No (textual description in comments if unusual)maint
: Maintenance behaviour (comma separated & without space): F = Foraging, R = Resting, P = Preening, A = Alarming, BW = Distraction Display (e.g. Broken Wing)spin
: spinning during foraging on water: C = Clockwise (right), AC = Anti-Clockwise (left), B = Bothcomments
: comments
– A table of all GPS (Nano tag) data
Columns are defined as:
: yeartagID
: id of the GPS tagID
: metal band idsex
: field and genetic sex (F = female & M = male)datetime_
: date and time of the GPS fixlat
: latitude (decimal degrees)lon
: longitude (decimal degrees)gps_speed
: as measured by the tag (m/s)altitude
: comment from the parentage analysisbatvolt
: voltage of the batteryfiltered
: logic if the data passed the filtering procedure (see Methods section in manuscript)
. The main script to reproduce all figures and statistic of this project. It contains a detailed commented workflow and follows the order in the manuscript. (View compiled) -
The workflow script sources this script, which is only needed to create a base map using OpenStreetMap data stored in the R packageauksRuak
. -
Script used to extract the data from our database. This script can only be run with access to our database and is only stored to document the process. -
Describes how I calculated the accuracy of the tags using data from a known location on the ground and actually on a bird. (View compiled) -
The procedure of how I filtered the data. (View compiled) -
Calculating the distance between points. (View compiled) -
Testing different methods and thresholds. (View compiled) -
Using the final decided method to define when birds were together. See manuscript for detailed description. (View compiled) -
Subset all relevant data for further analysis and bind with nest information. (View compiled) -
Prepare data for scripts creating example animations of tracks. -
Create example animation of nest R220_19. -
Create example animation of nest R304_18. -
Create example animation of nest R913_19.
– Contains all figures created for publication -
– Contains all supplementary tables created for publication -
– Contains all compiled html flies describing the whole workflow -
– Contains all figures created to check the filtering of the data
The data and code are supplied for scientific analysis, research, teaching or conservation purposes and shall be used only in accordance with the GNU GPLv3 license. For any publication making substantial use of the data or code, the authors welcome the opportunity for collaboration and to comment prior to publication. Please reach out to me ([email protected]) or Bart Kempenaers ([email protected]).
If you use the code or data, please cite the OSF repository linked to this github project:
Krietsch, J., Valcu, M., Cragnolini, M., Wolfgang Forstmeier & Kempenaers, B. (2023). Data and code from ‘Mutual mate guarding with limited sexual conflict in a sex-role reversed shorebird’. Open Science Framework. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/BW94C
and the corresponding article:
Krietsch, J., Valcu, M., Cragnolini, M., Wolfgang Forstmeier & Kempenaers, B. (2023). Mutual mate guarding with limited sexual conflict in a sex-role reversed shorebird. submitted manuscript.
This work was funded by the Max Planck Society (to B.K.). J.K. was supported by the International Max Planck Research School for Organismal Biology.
We thank Kristina Beck, Eunbi Kwon, Pietro D'Amelio, Giulia Bambini, Peter Santema, Fenja Squirrell, Alice Pintaric, Carol Gilsenan, Anne Cillard, Kim Teltscher, Martin Bulla, Andrea Wittenzellner, Luisana Carballo, Sylvia Kuhn and Sabine Spehn for help in the field (ordered by days in the field), Emmi Schlicht, Eunbi Kwon, Martin Bulla and Anne Aulsebrook for discussions, and Wolfgang Goymann, Emilie Snell-Rood and two anonymous reviewers for comments that improved the manuscript. We also thank Richard B. Lanctot for advice and help with logistics, permits and equipment. We are grateful to the state and federal committees that reviewed and approved permits for this study, and to the Ukpeaġvik Iñupiat Corporation for logistic support and access to their lands.