Smart Home IOT - Weather and Switches with GUI
ESP-8266-01S , minimum 1M
tested with Sonoff S26, T4EU1C
GUI editor : Smart Stergo GUI project
- Bootstrap 5.3 | old UI Bootstrap 3.4
- jQuery
- GUI Interface: Dashboard, Configuration
- ApexCharts | old UI - Google Charts
- Captive portal for initial Setup
- OTA update
- MQTT, HTTP, Publish as Webhook
- WiFi manager
- WS2812b matrix 8x32.
- Clock displaying Time, Date, Temperature, Humidity, Message
- UDP Tic Tac Toe
- Tic Tac Toe winners Publish as Webhook (Discord channel)
Works with LittleFS v => v000.01.105
Works with SPIFF <= v000.01.104
Works only in old Arduino IDE 1.8
SPIFF UPLOAD ( ESP8266 Scatch Data Upload )
Download - ESP8266FS
Extract to Home dir Arduino /tools
Libraries Needed:
NTPClient by Fabrice Weinberg v3.2.1 || <= v000.6.003
NTPClient_Generic by Fabrice Weinberg, Khoi Hoang v3.7.5 || v000.6.004 >=
Adafruit BME280 Library by Adafruit v2.2.4 || <= v000.6.003
Bosch_BME280_Arduino by Frank Hafele v1.1.0 || v000.6.004 >=
Adafruit Unified Sensor by Adafruit v1.1.15
DHT sensor library by Adafruit v1.4.6
Adafruit BusIO by Adafruit v1.17.0
Arduinojson by Benoit Blanchon v5.13.5 || v000.5.103 >= v6.21.5
PubSubClient by Nick O'Leary v2.8
OneWire by Jim Studt, Tom Pollard.. v2.3.8
DallasTemperature by Miles Burton v4.0.3
Time by Michael Margolis v1.6.1
FastLED by Daniel Garcia v3.7.8
**Compile setup: **
ESP8266 : TOOLS >>
Board: Generic ESP8266 Module
Biolt in LED: 2
Upload speed: 115000
CPU Frequency: 80 or 160 MHz
Crystal Frequency: 26MHz
Flash size: 1M(FS: 160KB OTA: ~422KB)
Flash mode: DOUT (because of sonnof EU)
Flash Frequency: 80MH
Reset method: no dtr (aka ck)
Debug port: Disabled
Debug Level: None
lwIP Variant: v2 Lower Memory (no features)
Vtables: Flash
Exceptions: Legacy (Null can return nullptr)
Erase flash: Only Sketch ( only code will be uploaded )
Sketch + WiFi settings (WiFi settings will be erased)
All Flash contents ( Everything will be erased including SPIFFS
Espresiff FW: nonos SDK 2.2.1 + 119 (191122)
SSL Support: Basic SSL ciphers (lower ROM use)
Info & Log
Captive portal