MyTimer is a Python project that aims to provide a simple yet efficient timer for terminal users, particularly targeting the geek community. This project allows users to set timers directly from their command line interface, making it convenient for those who spend a significant amount of time working in the terminal!
The main objective of MyTimer is to offer a minimalistic and distraction-free timer experience. It provides a clean and straightforward interface, ensuring that users can focus solely on tracking time without any unnecessary clutter or distractions.
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- Download Version 1.5 or Latest Source
pip install .
- Check Python Packaging User Guide
pip install mytimer==1.5
or python -m mytimer
to run this program
mytimer --version
Ctrl + C
to exit
mytimer --minute=7 --second=30
mytimer --hour=2 --minute=20
mytimer --minute=7 --second=30 --countdown
mytimer --minute=7 --second=30 --countup
mytimer --repeat=3 --second=4
- Use
for infinite loop
mytimer --minute=7 --second=30 --alarm
mytimer --minute=7 --second=30 --alarm --alarm-repeat=5
mytimer --minute=7 --second=30 --alarm --tone=2
mytimer --minute=7 --second=30 --face=3
- Faces List
mytimer --faces-list
mytimer --v-shift=20 --h-shift=30
, "+"
, "-"
mytimer --sign="+"
In this mode, the timer will continue running after it times out
mytimer --minute=5 --keep-on
mytimer --program=black-tea
- Programs List
mytimer --programs-list
mytimer --minute=7 --second=30 --message="Test message"
Just fill an issue and describe it. We'll check it ASAP!
- Please complete the issue template
1- Mixkit Free Alarm Sound Effects
2- Online Timer
3- Media College
4- Pomodoro Technique
5- The Rule of 52 and 17: It's Random, But it Ups Your Productivity
6- Desktime’s Productivity Research: An Overview of Our Finds Throughout the Years
7- AnimeDoro Timer
8- Know Your Tea: Your Guide to Tea Steeping Time
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
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