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Deployment instructions

  1. Check basic requirements for target server:

    • Docker and docker-compose installed
    • SSH server with auth by keys
    • Git installed
    • Nginx installed
  2. Create user for travis CI:

    sudo adduser travis
    sudo adduser travis docker
  3. Checkout Tulius for production and QA environments:

    cd /home/travis
    git clone master
    git clone dev
    cd /home/travis/dev
    git checkout dev
  4. Create data folders structure:

    mkdir /home/travis/master/data
    mkdir /home/travis/master/data/mysql
    mkdir /home/travis/master/data/static
    mkdir /home/travis/master/data/media
    mkdir /home/travis/master/data/indexing
    mkdir /home/travis/master/data/elastic
    chown 1000:1000 /home/travis/master/data/elastic
    mkdir /home/travis/dev/data
    mkdir /home/travis/dev/data/static
    mkdir /home/travis/dev/data/media
  5. Restore data from backup:

    • If you have mysql library files, place them to /home/travis/master/data/mysql to use existing database.
    • Put media files to /home/travis/master/data/media for production environment
    • Put media files to /home/travis/dev/data/media for QA environment
    • If you have SQL backup, place it into /home/travis/master/data/mysqlfolder.
  6. Start common environment:

    cd /home/travis/master/scripts/tulius
    docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate
  7. If you not restored mysql from lib files, it will create empty database with random root password. You can recognize it from docker logs:

    docker logs tulius_mysql 2>&1 | grep GENERATED

    Enter Mysql console:

    docker exec -it tulius_mysql mysql -uroot -p

    Change root password:

    ALTER USER root@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new root password';

    Create necessary databases and users:

    CREATE DATABASE tulius_prod;
    CREATE DATABASE tulius_qa;
    GRANT ALL ON tulius_prod.* TO tulius_prod@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'tulius prod password';
    GRANT ALL ON tulius_qa.* TO tulius_qa@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'tulius qa password';
    GRANT ALL ON sentry.* TO sentry@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'sentry';

    If you have SQL backup file, placed to mysql data folder:

    docker exec -it tulius_mysql /bin/bash
    mysql -uroot -p tulius_prod < /var/lib/mysql/backup.sql
  8. Create Sentry database and super user (not needed if DB restored from lib files):

    docker exec -it tulius_sentry sentry upgrade
  9. Use sentry web interface on (check DNS records), to finalize installation. Create two sentry projects and get DSN URLs for them.

  10. Configure prod and dev environments.

    cd /home/travis/master
    cd /home/travis/dev

    Edit settings files. Change DB passwords and sentry DSN.

  11. Configure Nginx using templates: For production:

    cp /home/travis/master/scripts/tulius/nginx_production.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/tulius_prod.conf

    For dev:

    cp /home/travis/master/scripts/tulius/nginx_dev.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/tulius_dev.conf    
  12. Install letsEncrypt and configure SSL.

  13. Configure kibana access (dev environment only)

    sudo apt install apache2-utils
    sudo touch /etc/nginx/htpasswd
    sudo htpasswd /etc/nginx/htpasswd bob
  14. Check that known host in repo .travis.yml file and ssh host in scripts/ points on target server. Update repo if needed (use separate branch and PR)

  15. Trigger build on CI, or run it manually on server:

    cd /home/travis/master
    . scripts/ master
    cd /home/travis/dev
    . scripts/ dev
  16. Check that everything works. Profit.

Running on local environment

To use Tulius on local dev environment you need to at least 1 instance] (2 for correct work of heavy requests). For all of them it is needed to set environment variable:


So Tulius will understand a context and set needed configuration by default. If you need some special configuration options, you can create file from template and set needed options there.

Instances, that needed to run:

  1. runserver - Django instance for backend HTTP requests
  2. celery -A tulius worker -l info - for deferred tasks (optional)

On Windows, as Celery not supports it yet, install gevent:

pip install gevent

and start celery with:

celery -A tulius worker -l info -P gevent

or, instead of starting Celery, you can switch it off, by adding: CELERY_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER = True to However, some heavy requests, like reindexing may became too slow to render pages, as deferred tasks will be resolved in request context. But for most things it will be enough.

Running tests

python -m pylint tests tulius djfw
python -m pytest tests tulius djfw

Remove elastic disk limit on dev environment

curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/_cluster/settings" \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
  "persistent": {
    "cluster": {
      "routing": {
        "allocation.disk.threshold_enabled": false


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