#jQuery Idle
A dead simple jQuery plugin that executes a callback function if the user is idle.
Since this is a simple plugin, the usage is simple too.
First, add the jquery.idle.js to your document along with jQuery library:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.idle.js"></script>
Then, just call the function in the element that you want to track user idleness
onIdle: function(){
alert('Since you waited so long, the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is 42');
idle: 10000
That will display a alert (and a great revelation :D) to the user after 10 seconds of idleness.
If you want to call some function after user back from idleness, just add the onActive option:
onIdle: function(){
alert('I\'m idle');
onActive: function(){
alert('Hey, I\'m back!');
idle: 10000
You can also check if a specific element is idle, actually, you can use any jQuery selector:
$('header, footer').idle({
onIdle: function(){
alert('It\'s been a long time since you don\'t see me');
idle: 20000
And you can choose which events will be used to "refresh" the idle timer
onIdle: function(){
alert('It\'s been a long time since you don\'t see me');
events: 'mouseover mouseout'
idle: 30000
onIdle # callback function that will be triggered when the user gets idle
onActive [ default function(){} ] # callback function that will be triggered when the user gets active
events [ default = mousemove keypress mousedonw ] # events that will reset the idle time
idle [ default = 60000 ] # idle time in ms
keepTracking [ default = true ] # if you want to keep tracking user idleness, set it to true
- Renamed the 'callback' setting to 'onIdle'
- Added the 'onActive' callback function to be executed when user back from idleness (thanks @joelsouza for the tip)
First basic version