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List of Tech Migrations

list of public tech migrations (create a PR to if you have correction or addition), originally from this blog which sometimes copied to this medium account.


  • migration can be partial (not whole stack, since most companies out there not using single programming language/database anyway)
  • year = year of the article/presentation, or the year of migration if stated on the article/presentation.
  • discuss here: reddit thread / ycombinator discussion




  • Reddit (2005) from CommonLISP to Python
  • Bloomberg (2005) from C/C++ to Javascript


  • Bing (2010) from C++ to DotNET





  • Instill (2014) from AngularDart to Polymer
  • Workia (2014) from ActionScript to Dart
  • TrustWave (2014) from ActionScript/Flex to Dart
  • Facebook Chat (2014) from Erlang to C++
  • Grab (2014) from Ruby/NodeJS to Golang
  • CloudFlare (2014) from PostgreSQL to CitusDB



  • CrowdStrike (2016) from Scala to Golang
  • Tokopedia (2016) from Perl to Golang
  • Uber (2016) from PostgreSQL to MySQL
  • Uber (2016) from NodeJS to Golang/Java
  • Uber (2016) from Python to Golang
  • Digg (2016) from NodeJS to Golang
  • Google AdWords (2016) from GWT to Angular/Dart
  • Slack (2016) from PHP to Hack
  • Sky (2016) from Oracle to Couchbase
  • Amadeus (2016) from Oracle to Couchbase
  • AppsFlyer (2016) from Druid/MongoDB/Redis/Cassandra/Redshift to SingleStore
  • Dropbox (2016) from AWS to self-managed/own-datacenter


  • BleacherReport (2017) from Ruby to Elixir
  • UpGuard (2017) from JRuby to Golang
  • Movio (2017) from Scala to Golang
  • Discord (2017) from MongoDB to Cassandra
  • Uber (2017) from Riak/Solr to Cassandra
  • (2017) from MySQL to PostgreSQL
  • Poki (2017) from PHP to Golang
  • Stream (2017) from Python to Golang
  • Baidu (2017) from MySQL to CockroachDB
  • Boxzilla (2017) from PHP to Golang
  • GAEA (2017, 2019) from MongoDB/MySQL to TiDB
  • Shippable more (2017) from Golang+MongoDB to NodeJS+PostgreSQL
  • GeekyAnts (2017) from ReactNative to Flutter
  • Yuanfudao (2017) from MySQL to TiDB
  • Dropbox (2017) from CoffeeScript to TypeScript
  • Manage (2017) from MySQL/Hadoop/Hive/Kafka to SingleStore
  • BlueShift (2017) from MSSQLServer to SingleStore
  • Myntra (2017) from RedShift to SingleStore
  • TreeScale (2017) from Python to Golang


  • AppTree (2018) from Java/Kotlin/ObjC/Swift to Dart
  • SendGrid (2018) from Perl/Python to Golang
  • Bukalapak (2018) from Ruby/MySQL to Golang/MongoDB/ElasticSearch/CloudSQL
  • Centrifugo (2018) from Python to Golang
  • TheGuardian (2018) from MongoDB to PostgreSQL
  • CloudFlare (2018) from CitusDB to Clickhouse
  • Github (2018) from jQuery to vanilla javascript
  • Meituan (2018) from MySQL to TiDB
  • iQiyi (2018) from MySQL to TiDB
  • Yiguo (2018) from Hadoop/MSSQLServer to TiDB
  • Mobike (2018) from MySQL to TiDB
  • CashApp (2018) from MySQL to Vitess
  • Bing (2018) from DotNET to DotNetCore
  • PixelJets (2018) from ElsticSearch+LogStash+Kibana/BigQuery to Clickhouse
  • Insite360 (2018) from RedShift to SingleStore
  • Areeba (2018) from Hadoop/MariaDB to SingleStore
  • Wag (2018) from MySQL to SingleStore
  • Fanatics (2018) from ElasticSearch to SingleStore
  • Pandora (2018) from Hadoop to SingleStore
  • Twitch (2018) from Ruby to Golang
  • Kairos (2018) from PHP to Golang


  • AppsFlyer (2019) from Clojure to Golang
  • Deliveroo (2019) from Ruby to Rust
  • Amazon (2019) from Oracle to AuroraPostgres/DynamoDB
  • 2FintechGiants (2019) from Oracle to CockroachDB
  • Codism (2019) from Python to Golang
  • Comcast (2019) from Cassandra to ScyllaDB
  • Zhihu (2019) from MySQL to TiDB
  • JDCloud (2019) from MySQL to TiDB
  • NetEaseGames (2019) from MySQL to TiDB
  • Xiaomi (2019) from MySQL to TiDB
  • BookMyShow (2019) from MSSQLServer to TiDB
  • Trivago (2019) from Kubernetes to Nomad
  • Narvar (2019) from DynamoDB/PostgreSQL-RDS to YugabyteDB
  • PlumeDesignsInc (2019) from MongoDB to YugabyteDB
  • SkyElectric (2019) from MySQL/MongoDB/NodeJS to PostgreSQL/ElasticSearch/ScyllaDB/Elixir
  • Paytm (2019) from ElasticSearch to Loki
  • ContentSquare (2019) from ElsticSearch+LogStash+Kibana to Clickhouse
  • Sentry (2019) from PostgreSQL+Redis to Clickhouse
  • HashNode (2019) from Nginx to Caddy
  • CitizensBank (2019) from Kubernetes to DockerSwarm
  • Medaxion (2019) from MySQL to SingleStore
  • GoGuardian (2019) from Druid to SingleStore
  • AFortune50Company (2019) from Hadoop to SingleStore
  • diwo (2019) from Redis/Cassandra to SingleStore
  • KurtoSys (2019) from CouchBase to SingleStore
  • (2019) from ElasticSearch to SingleStore
  • GumGum (2019) from Cassandra to ScyllaDB
  • Insider (2019) from Ruby to Golang
  • Codism (2019) from Python to Golang
  • Twitch (2019) from EmberJS to ReactJS



  • KhanAcademy (2021) from Python to Golang
  • ownCloud (2021) from PHP to Golang
  • Percona (2021) from Prometheus to VictoriaMetrics
  • Aluma (2021) from C# to Golang
  • Olery (2021) from MongoDB to PostgreSQL
  • NitroKey (2021) from Ubuntu Core to Debian
  • Slack (2021) from HAProxy to Envoy
  • Github (2021) from Ruby to Golang
  • GumGum (2021) from Cassandra to ScyllaDB
  • SvelteKit (2021) from RollUp/SnowPack to Vite
  • ReplIt (2021) from WebPack to Vite
  • GitPod (2021) from React/Gatsby to SvelteKit
  • NinjaVan (2021) from MySQL to TiDB
  • Meituan (2021) from MySQL to TiDB
  • AutoHome (2021) from MSSQLServer to TiDB
  • (2021) from MySQL to TiDB
  • Chehaoduo (2021) from MySQL to TiDB
  • KunLun (2021) from MySQL to TiDB
  • GiG (2021) from RedShift to Clickhouse
  • Brex (2021) from Elixir to Kotlin
  • Storj (2021) from Python to Golang
  • CoinBase (2021) from Native to ReactNative
  • (2021) from Kubernetes to Nomad/Consul
  • Koyeb (2021) from Kubernetes to Nomad/Firecracker/Kuma
  • AccelByte (2021) from Kubernetes to Nomad/Consul
  • Expedia (2021) from Cassandra to ScyllaDB
  • Grab (2021) from Cassandra to ScyllaDB
  • ReadyForSky (2021) from Redis to Tarantool
  • Conductor (2021) from Kubernetes to Nomad
  • Uber (2021) from ElsticSearch+LogStash+Kibana to Clickhouse
  • ClickHouse (2021) from ZooKeeper to ClickhouseKeeper/NuRaft
  • Wallaroo (2021) from Pony to Rust
  • ContentServ (2021) from Cassandra to ScyllaDB
  • Etsy (2021) from Javascript to Typescript
  • (2021) from MySQL to TiDB
  • HuyaLive (2021) from MySQL to TiDB
  • LevelUpTutorials (2021) from React to Svelte
  • Voucherify (2021) from MongoDB to PostgreSQL
  • Fathom (2021) from MySQL/Redis/DynamoDB to SingleStore
  • GrooveX (2021) from Thanos to VictoriaMetrics
  • Percona (2021) from Prometheus to VictoriaMetrics
  • SimilarWeb (2021) from NodeJS to Golang
  • DoorDash (2021) from Python to Kotlin
  • WeWatch (2021) from MongoDB to PostgreSQL
  • CodeSignal (2021) from MongoDB+Meteor to Redis
  • Sequoia (2021) from ElasticSearch to Rockset
  • TimeFlow (2021) from Druid to Clickhouse
  • ToolJet (2021) from Ruby to NodeJS
  • Dream11 (2021) from Elasticache Redis to Aerospike
  • AirTel (2021) from Oracle TimesTen to Aerospike
  • PostHog (2021) from PostgreSQL to Clickhouse


  • (2022) from PostgreSQL to SingleStore
  • (2022) from AWS Lambda to Amazon ECS
  • Fleet (2022) from AWS to Hetzner
  • Ntop (2022) from nindex to Clickhouse
  • Etsy (2022) from React to Preact
  • ReviewBunny (2022) from React to RubyOnRails
  • AntMoney (2022) from PostgreSQL to SingleStore
  • CaptainMetrics (2022) from MongoDB to SingleStore
  • SeventhSense (2022) from AmazonKinesis/Kafka to RedPanda
  • Hashura (2022) from NodeJS to Golang
  • Kiwi (2022) from PostgreSQL/Cassandra to ScyllaDB
  • Rakuten (2022) from Cassandra to ScyllaDB
  • Wipro (2022) from HBase to Aerospike
  • nhost (2022) from PostgreSQL-RDS to PostgreSQL+Kubernetes
  • (2022) from AWS to InHouse
  • Umes (2022) from Golang+GraphQL to TypeScript+Prisma+tRPC
  • K-Optional (2022) from Firebase to Supabase
  • Contexte (2022) from React to htmx
  • Rakuten (2022) from RedHat to RockyLinux
  • NucleusData (2022) from MariaDB to SingleStore
  • Rolebase (2022) from Firebase to Nhost
  • Jamf (2022) from Java to Golang
  • (2022) from PostgreSQL to Clickhouse
  • Matrix (2022) from Kafka to NATS


  • HiFi (2023) from BigQuery to Clickhouse
  • RisingWaveLabs (2023) from C++ to Rust
  • Vercel (2023) from Golang to Rust
  • Discord (2023) from Cassandra to ScyllaDB
  • RocLang (2023) from Rust to Zig
  • 37Signals (2023) from Kubernetes to mrsk
  • CultureAmp (2023) from Elm to React
  • ApiGear (2023) from NodeJS to Golang
  • Prequel (2023) from RabbitMQ to PostgreSQL
  • Trendyol (2023) from Scala to Golang
  • AmazonPrimeVideo (2023) from AWS Lambda to AWS EC2+ECS
  • Svelte (2023) from TypeScript to Javascript+JSDoc
  • ValTown (2023) from Supabase to PostgreSQL+Render
  • ChessCraft (2023) from MongoDB to PostgreSQL+Redis
  • (2023) from Nomad to flyd
  • CodeDamn (2023) from Prisma/MongoDB to PostgreSQL
  • LinkedIn (2023) from JSON to ProtoBuf
  • (2023) from RubyOnRails to Golang+Encore
  • Lizza (2023) from Firebase to Encore
  • InfluxData (2023) fom Golang to Rust
  • FileWave (2023) from ZeroMQ to NATS
  • StackOverflow (2023) from jQuery to Svelte
  • NicelandVPN (2023) from Electron to
  • DoorDash (2023) from Aurora Postgres to CockroachDB
  • Levenue (2023) from SvelteKit to Golang+HTMX
  • Lyft (2023) from Druid to Kafka+Clickhouse
  • Tencent (2023) from Clickhouse to ApacheDoris
  • Ongage (2023) from MySQL to Clickhouse


  • eFishery (2024) from AWS CloudFront to CloudFlare
  • Vercel (2024) from Go to Rust
  • Ramp (2024) from PostgreSQL to Clickhouse
  • Infiscal (2024) from MongoDB to PostgreSQL
  • Reddit (2024) from S3 metadata to Aurora PostgreSQL
  • Coralogix (2024) from PostgreSQL to ScyllaDB
  • Fablehenge (2024) from React to Svelte
  • Corsearch (2024) from MySQL to Clickhouse
  • Uber (2024) from DynamoDB to LedgerStore
  • 37signals (2024) from Mac to Linux
  • Beehiiv (2024) from PostgreSQL to Clickhouse
  • Bonree (2024) from ZooKeeper to ClickhouseKeeper
  • CommonRoom (2024) from PostgreSQL to Clickhouse
  • Shopee (2024) from Druid+Hive+Presto to Clickhouse
  • OpenMeter (2024) from PostgreSQL+Kafka+kSqlDB to Clickhouse
  • (2024) from ElasticSearch to Clickhouse
  • Didi (2024) from ElasticSearch to Clickhouse


list of public tech migrations







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