This package implements a server-side strategy for temporary collection and
recovery of PSR-7 UploadedFile
A dedicated FlySystem port is also available.
You can use this service to implement controllers that collect uploaded files posted asynchronously by a browser and return the temporary file UUIDs, then, on completion, recover the uploaded files and move them to permanent storage.
The filename and MIME-type (as posted by the client) will be preserved.
Unrecovered files are automatically flushed after a defined expiration period.
Bootstrap the service:
$service = new TempFileService(__DIR__ . '/temp');
In your asynchronous file post-controller, collect posted files and return UUIDs:
$uuids = [];
foreach ($request->getUploadedFiles() as $file) {
$uuids[] = $service->collect($file);
echo json_encode($uuids);
In your form post-controller, recover the collected files:
foreach ($uuids as $uuid) {
$file = $service->recover($uuid);
// get information about recovered file:
$filename = $file->getClientFilename();
$media_type = $file->getClientMediaType();
// move recovered file into permanent storage:
$file->moveTo(__DIR__ . '/files/' . $file->getClientFilename());
Alternatively, obtain the path to the temporary file and move/copy the file by other means - for example, to import an uploaded file into FlySystem:
$file = $service->recover($uuid);
$stream = fopen($file->getTempPath(), "r");
$filesystem->writeStream("uploads/" . $file->getClientFilename(), $stream);
$file->flush(); // optionally flush the temporary file after copying
Note that, if you don't flush the temporary file, it will of course be garbage-collected after the defined expiration period.
Also, if you manually rename or move the temporary file, the JSON meta-data file will be collected
and flushed for you immediately when the TempFile
instance is destroyed.