In this project, the state-of-art deep learning methods are used to to train a model that can drive a car in a simulator. For the use of simplicity and portability, the udacity simulator is chosen .
What are the inputs/outputs? How does it work?
The network takes three image inputs from the simulator, which are the front-view cameras that is placed on the car in the simulator. Other than this, network does not take any other input.
The only output that the network predicts is the steering angle. We take this steering angle value and our current speed and calculate a throttle value via a formula that can be found in file. The formula allows lowering the throttle when the steering angle is too high.
Difficulties encountered
At first, reinforcement learning methods were considered for this project. However, the limited time made us change this decision and we have decided on supervised learning instead.
Progress, accomplishments
The model can drive the car in both of the default roads in the udacity simulator. it can also get in the road if its outside of the road in most cases.
Detailed data description
The dataset contains around 78k images that were taken from the simulator. The simulator also gives the steering angle, throttle and speed values corresponding to the time in which the corresponding image is taken. We have tried many different scenarios in which the car is in a difficult position. We only process the images and try to predict the steering angle.
We created our own dataset by driving the vehicle on our own.
Repository folder structure
The whole dataset that we have created in the following link
Software, packages etc.
Udacity self driving car simulator: (Executable file is enough) Tensorflow, Keras, Numpy, Pandas, matplotlib, sklearn, OpenCV, socketio, eventlet, Flask, PIL, base64
How to run from the command line? How to reproduce the results? How to test your system?
Firstly, the executable file of the simulator should be run and autonomus mode should be chosen, then the following command should be run in the relevant folder.
python model-016.h5 End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars -