ELLO LC1 firmware with Bitling BASIC Platform: PIC18F47Q83 (easily portable to any other)
Bitling BASIC interpreter
' comment until the end of the line
=== data types
INT (also INTEGER for compatibility)
REAL (also FLOAT for compatibility)
=== operators
+ - * /
// or MOD ' modulo
^ ' power
<< ' shift left
>> ' shift right
= ' (in statements) attribution
== or = ' (in expressions) compare for equal
<> ' compare for not equal
< <= => >
=== variables
VAR <type> <name> { [dimension [, dimension...] ] } { , <name> ... }
' DIM is alias to VAR for backward compatibility
var int a, b[3,3]
var real x, z[10,10,10]
var string s[5] ' array of five zero-terminated strings
' () are also supported in variable indexes instead of [] for backward compatibility
=== control structures
IF <expression> THEN
{ ELSE }
END IF or ENDIF or !
FOR <variable> = <expression> TO <expression> { STEP <expression> }
NEXT { <variable> }
WHILE <expression>
UNTIL <expression>
CONTINUE ' valid for FOR, WHILE, and REPEAT structures
EXIT ' valid for FOR, WHILE, and REPEAT structures
LABEL <label_name>
GOTO <label_name>
' STOP is also supported and act the same way as END
=== subroutines
SUB <name> { ( <type> { @ } <variable> { , <type> ... } ) }
FUNC <name> { ( <type> { @ } <variable> { , <type> ... } ) } { AS <type> }
RETURN { value }
GOSUB <sub_name(...)> ' optional calling format for subs
sub test1
func average(real a, real b) as real
sub save(int x, int y, int @arr)
=== commands
PRINT [ # fileN ] { expression { , expression ... } }
INPUT [ # fileN ] variable { , variable ... }
GET [ # fileN ] variable { , variable ... }
INKEY [ # fileN ] variable
OPEN <str> AS # fileN
CLOSE # fileN
DELETE <filename>
RENAME <old_fname>, <new_fname>
DATA expression { , expression ... }
READ variable { , variable ... }
REWIND ' return to the first DATA element
POP ' remove one return address from the stack
POKE <addr, val>
RESET ' restart the system
SLEEP ' put the system to sleep
HLOC <column>
VLOC <row>
PUTCH <ascii>
DEFCH <chrcode> <byte1> <byte2> <byte3> <byte4> <byte5> <byte6> <byte7> <byte8>
SELCHT < 1, 2, or 3 > ' select character table (see DOGM204 datasheet)
CURSOR < bit.0 blink, bit.1 enable >
SCROLL < bit.0 up, bit.1 down, bit.2 left, bit.3 right >
TDREF ' refresh the text display (used after direct writes into TD RAM)
WAIT <milliseconds>
CLEAR [ var [ , ... ] ] ' undefine all or specific variables
DOUT (channel, bit) ' supported channels are 0..7
=== functions
RND (val) ' parameter other than 0 first seeds the generator with the value
ABS (val)
ROUND (val)
TRUNC (val)
FRACT (val)
LOGN (val)
LOGD (val)
EXP (val)
SQR (val) ' square root
CBR (val) ' cube root
SIN (val)
ASIN (val)
HSIN (val)
COS (val)
ACOS (val)
HCOS (val)
TAN (val)
ATAN (val)
HTAN (val)
COTAN (val)
FREE () ' return the largest free block in memory
TDRAM () ' return the text display RAM address
TDWDT () ' text display width
TDHGT () ' text display height
PEEK (addr) ' 0 and positive numbers: RAM address, negative numbers: ROM address-1
ASC (str) ' character (first in string) to ASCII
CHR$ (val) ' ASCII to character (one-character string)
VAL (str) ' string to number
STR$ (val, d) ' number to string; "d" specifies the number of digits after decimal point
LEN$ (str)
LEFT$ (str, count)
RIGHT$ (str, count)
MID$ (str, start, count)
INSTR (substr, str, start)
TIMER (value) ' read system millisecond incremental counter; any value different than 0 first loads the counter
AIN (channel) ' supported channels are 0..7
DIN (channel) ' supported channels are 0..7
EXIST <filename> ' will return 1 if true or 0 if not