This repository is maintained by the KNIME UI Extensions Development Team.
This repository contains the source code of KNIME Analytics Platform JavaScript Labs Nodes. This repository gives the possibility to preview new KNIME JavaScript nodes, which are still under development. The nodes provided here are not (yet) part of the stable KNIME version because the functionality and/or API may not be finalized.
We hope to get you involved by reporting bugs and helping us generating examples and documentation.
Contained nodes:
- Mining Nodes
- OPTICS Cluster Assigner
- OPTICS Cluster Compute
- Stats Nodes
- Data Explorer (JavaScript)
- Interactive Row Filter (web-enabled)
- Scorer (JavaScript)
- Visualization Nodes
- Tagged Document Viewer (JavaScript)
The code is organized as follows:
- org.knime.js.views.labs.*: All the labs nodes.
Instructions for how to develop extensions for KNIME Analytics Platform can be found in the knime-sdk-setup repository on BitBucket or GitHub.