KNIME Image Processing 1.1.0
Bug Iteration of Erode in MorphLabelingOps not working
Bug ImgViewer Zooms
Bug Image Cropper - excluding a complete dimension
Bug Supress Logger Status ImageJ2
Bug ConnectedComponentAnalysis: Labels start with number = 3
Bug Hilite-Mode doesn't work in Interactive Segmentation Node
Bug ImgView / TableCellView: ImgCanvas moves on repaint
Bug Merger: Exception thrown if images of different types are merged
Bug Normalize in TableCellView/InteractiveSegmentationView triggers NPE
Bug ImgView: BoundingBox is painted with shift
Bug Image to Labeling: Warning if FloatType/DoubleType
Bug Zooming and Moving with Real Image Renderer slower than with RGB Image Renderer
Bug Image Reader: Bugs while reading images
Bug ArrayIndexOufOfBoundsException if the Convolver is used with kernel of varying size
Bug ImgViewer in TableCellViewer throws exception when trying to show a 1-dimensional image
Bug Segment Cropper: NullPointer if image and labeling have different sizes
Bug Erratic behaviour in ROI dialogues
Bug Plane Selection: Inconsistent dimension settings
Bug Quantil Filter does not work for small images.
Bug Bug: NPE in GraphCut2D when saving workflow
Bug MorphOps - Gray image do not work correctly
Bug Image Calculator: IterationOrder safety
Bug Image Features: Circularity value on one sized pixels
Bug LabelingTransform: Error if label count after transform is different from before
Bug MorphImgOp & MorphLabelOp ConnectionType isn't saved
Bug ImgGenerator: remove code that accepts old settings models
Documentation Full clean-up of all node descriptions
Documentation Several new tutorials and example flows
Improvement ImageJ plugin should provide auto configuration
Improvement Using SCIFIO in Image Reader Node
Improvement Default Values for Column Suffix (Column Selection 'Append')
Improvement ImageJ nodes should skip missing cells
Improvement Image Calculator: Better support for different Iteration Orders
Improvement Improve subset selection dialog
Improvement ImgViewer: specify plane position directly
Improvement Labeling Filter should include Dimension Selection
Improvement Make IJ1 Plugin Path Configurable via IJ1 Preference Page
Improvement Voronoi Region Growing: Dim-Selection
Improvement New Icons
Improvement Image Reader: DoubleClick on Selected Files removes file
Improvement Segment Cropper enhanced functionality
Improvement Sobel Filter - Revise implementation
Improvement ROI based Global Thresholder
Improvement ROI based Inverter
Improvement ROI based Normalizer
Improvement MorphOps: Allow user to set Out of Bounds Strategy manually
Improvement ImgToIJ doesn't respect dimension orderning
New Node Overlay RGB Image
New Node Color Table Support in Labelings
New Node Converter PNGImageCell and ImgPlusCell
New Node Labeling Filter
New Node Maximum Finder Node imitating the ImageJ-Maximum Finder
New Node Difference of Gaussians
New Node CLAHE Filtering
New Node Trackmate based LAPTracker
New Node Apply ColorModel to Labels
New Node Ultrametric Contour Maps
New Node Thinning
New Node Compare Segments
Testing Functionality and regression tests for over 80 nodes