This will display your current elevation. It even dims the display after sunset.
For elevations above 9,999 feet, the first character will be displayed in hex. So 11,200 ft will be B200.
I haven't tested above 16,000 ft.
Parts required:
- Arduino Metro Mini
- 7 Segment Display with I2C backpack
- 12v to microUSB power supply - Dongar Tech makes many adapters that give you a plug-and-play USB port from your exisitng mirror wiring harness.
Some soldering & coding may be required!
- Connect GPS to +5v, GND, Digital pins 7 & 8
- Connect display to +5V, GND, SCL, & SCA (A4 & A5 on the Metro Mini)
- Upload the sketch included in this repository to the Arduino using the Arduino IDE & a USB cable!