Welcome to InovaTokenController. This project aims to provide a simple backend to manage and provide PowerBI embed Tokens.
We use app only credentials (service principal) to get a token from Azure. With that token we call PowerBi REST API to list workspaces, reports, and generate embed tokens for those reports.
We use spring security oauth (legacy) to secure our API and have a VERY basic user management in order to control access.
You will need:
- Java 18
Then you can download the project with:
git clone https://github.com/klimber/inovaTokenController.git
Go into the project folder:
cd inovaTokenController
Build it with gradle wrapper:
./gradlew build # Unix users
gradle.bat build # Windows users (need to check on this)
Include your azure credentials and change other settings at will in the application-dev.yml file. We plan to make a guide on how to properly configure the azure app, for now see this forum article and this video
Now you can run the server with:
./gradlew bootrun # Unix
gradle.bat bootrun # Windows
POST http://localhost:8080/oauth/token Post here with basic authentication, client-id and secret-id set in the application-dev.yml. The body should contain username, password and grant_type. Username and password for admin are set in application-dev.yml, grant_type is password.
GET http://localhost:8080/pbi/groups This endpoint requires bearer token authentication, the token is acquired by using the above API. This will return a list of PowerBi workspaces in which your app is marked as member.
GET http://localhost:8080/pbi/groups/{groupId}/reports Requires authentication. This will return a list of reports in the specified group.
GET http://localhost:8080/pbi/groups/{groupId}/reports/{reportId}/GenerateToken Requires authentication. This will return the embedToken for the specified report and group
- Java 18
- Lombok
In order for the IDE to load properly, it needs to have Lombok plugin.
Thats it for now, have fun!
Written with StackEdit.