The Kleros Moderate service uses a Telegram bot to provide Kleros dispute resolution to Telegram communities. The architecture is based on the battle tested Reality.eth X Kleros integration and uses solid cryptoeconomics for fair and transparent moderation.
Currently Telegram is supported, with Discord planned.
The bot can be self-hosted, or to use the bot instance that is hosted by the Kleros Cooperative, please apply to join the beta.
Copy .env.dist
to .env
and configure the telegram API key.
yarn create-db
yarn start-telegram-bot
yarn global add pm2
yarn pm2:start
yarn pm2:stop-all
yarn pm2:delete-all
Command | Description | Group Admin | Normal user |
/getaccount | Returns the bot address of the current chat | ✅ | ✅ |
/setrules | [by reply/username/id] Set chat rules from the quoted message |
✅ | ❌ |
/setrules [url] | Set chat rules from the specified url | ✅ | ❌ |
/rules | Get chat rules | ✅ | ✅ |
/report | [by reply/username/id] Reports a user |
✅ | ✅ |
/evidence [questionId] | [by reply/username/id] Adds the quoted message as evidence to the arbitrator of questionId |
✅ | ✅ |
Thanks to @rodsouto and @fnanni-0 for starting an initial version of this project for telegram.