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Krzysztof Królikowski edited this page Apr 5, 2017 · 16 revisions


Multiple systems configuration manager


Spine is basicaly simmilar to cpanel but it offers some few more features, that CPanel doesn't. Spine can be spread on many systems, it's easy to use and deploy in cloud environments like Amazon AWS or OpenStack.

Supported systems:

  • Ubuntu (14.04, 16.04)
  • Centos (6.x, 7.x)


Spine - Architecture The prime goal of Spine is to manage multiple hosts with a single web interface. It's architecture is a classic client - server design. All configuration data including apache vhosts definition or system user accounts are stored in central database. Client agents are keeping track of a configuration version while they are pushing monitoring informations to server. Configuration updates are divided into scopes. Right now there are two scopes: sysusers and apache. When you add or edit one system user, apache configuration is not sent to the client.


Spine-agent requires mysqlclient and libgtop libraries to run. System architecture expects that one host will act as a server for a bunch of other hosts. On such host you need to install LAMP environment.