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PyTorch Out-of-Distribution Detection

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A Python library for Out-of-Distribution (OOD) Detection with Deep Neural Networks based on PyTorch.

The library provides:

  • Out-of-Distribution Detection Methods
  • Loss Functions
  • Datasets
  • Neural Network Architectures, as well as pre-trained weights
  • Data Augmentations
  • Useful Utilities

and is designed to be compatible with frameworks like pytorch-lightning and pytorch-segmentation-models. The library also covers some methods from closely related fields, such as Open-Set Recognition, Novelty Detection, Confidence Estimation and Anomaly Detection.

📚 Documentation

The documentation is available here.

NOTE: An important convention adopted in pytorch-ood is that OOD detectors predict outlier scores that should be larger for outliers than for inliers. If you notice that the scores predicted by a detector do not match the formulas in the corresponding publication, we may have adjusted the score calculation to comply with this convention.

⏳ Quick Start

Load a WideResNet-40 model (used in major publications), pre-trained on CIFAR-10 with the Energy-Bounded Learning Loss [8] (weights from to original paper), and predict on some dataset data_loader using Energy-based OOD Detection (EBO) [8], calculating the common metrics. OOD data must be marked with labels < 0.

from pytorch_ood.detector import EnergyBased
from pytorch_ood.utils import OODMetrics
from pytorch_ood.model import WideResNet

data_loader = ... # your data, OOD with label < 0

# Create Neural Network
model = WideResNet(num_classes=10, pretrained="er-cifar10-tune").eval().cuda()
preprocess = WideResNet.transform_for("er-cifar10-tune")

# Create detector
detector = EnergyBased(model)

# Evaluate
metrics = OODMetrics()

for x, y in data_loader:
    x = preprocess(x).cuda()
    metrics.update(detector(x), y)


You can find more examples in the documentation.

Benchmarks (Beta)

Evaluate detectors against common benchmarks, for example the OpenOOD ImageNet benchmark (including ImageNet-O, OpenImages-O, Textures, SVHN, MNIST). All datasets (except for ImageNet itself) will be downloaded automatically.

import pandas as pd
from pytorch_ood.benchmark import ImageNet_OpenOOD
from pytorch_ood.detector import MaxSoftmax
from torchvision.models import resnet50
from torchvision.models.resnet import ResNet50_Weights

model = resnet50(ResNet50_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1).eval().to("cuda:0")
trans = ResNet50_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1.transforms()

benchmark = ImageNet_OpenOOD(root="data", image_net_root="data/imagenet-2012/", transform=trans)

detector = MaxSoftmax(model)
results = benchmark.evaluate(detector, loader_kwargs={"batch_size": 64}, device="cuda:0")
df = pd.DataFrame(results)

This produces the following table:

ImageNetO 28.64 2.52 94.85 91.20
OpenImagesO 84.98 62.61 94.67 49.95
Textures 80.46 37.50 96.80 67.75
SVHN 97.62 95.56 98.77 11.58
MNIST 90.04 90.45 89.88 39.03

🛠 ️️Installation

The package can be installed via PyPI:

pip install pytorch-ood


  • torch
  • torchvision
  • scipy
  • torchmetrics

Optional Dependencies

  • scikit-learn for ViM
  • gdown to download some datasets and model weights
  • pandas for the examples.
  • segmentation-models-pytorch to run the examples for anomaly segmentation

📦 Implemented


Objective Functions:

Objective Function Description Year Ref
Objectosphere Implementation of the paper Reducing Network Agnostophobia. 2016 [9]
Center Loss Generalized version of the Center Loss from the Paper A Discriminative Feature Learning Approach for Deep Face Recognition. 2016 [14]
Outlier Exposure Implementation of the paper Deep Anomaly Detection With Outlier Exposure. 2018 [10]
Confidence Loss Model learn confidence additional to class membership prediction. 2018 [7]
Deep SVDD Implementation of the Deep Support Vector Data Description from the paper Deep One-Class Classification. 2018 [11]
Energy-Bounded Loss Adds a regularization term to the cross-entropy that aims to increase the energy gap between IN and OOD samples. 2020 [8]
CAC Loss Class Anchor Clustering Loss from Class Anchor Clustering: a Distance-based Loss for Training Open Set Classifiers 2021 [13]
Entropic Open-Set Loss Entropy maximization and meta classification for OOD in semantic segmentation 2021 [40]
II Loss Implementation of II Loss function from Learning a neural network-based representation for open set recognition. 2022 [12]
MCHAD Loss Implementation of the MCHAD Loss from the paper Multi Class Hypersphere Anomaly Detection. 2022 [35]
VOS Energy-Based Loss Implementation of the paper VOS: Learning what you don’t know by virtual outlier synthesis. 2022 [37]

Image Datasets:

Dataset Description Year Ref
Chars74k The Chars74K dataset contains 74,000 images across 64 classes, comprising English letters and Arabic numerals. 2012 [31]
TinyImages The TinyImages dataset is often used as auxiliary OOD training data. However, use is discouraged. 2012 [30]
Textures Textures dataset, also known as DTD, often used as OOD Examples. 2013 [29]
FoolingImages OOD Images Generated to fool certain Deep Neural Networks. 2015 [16]
Tiny ImageNet A derived version of ImageNet with 64x64-sized images. 2015 [17]
TinyImages300k A cleaned version of the TinyImages Dataset with 300.000 images, often used as auxiliary OOD training data. 2018 [10]
LSUN A version of the Large-scale Scene UNderstanding Dataset with 10.000 images, often used as auxiliary OOD training data. 2018 [2]
MNIST-C Corrupted version of the MNIST. 2019 [21]
CIFAR10-C Corrupted version of the CIFAR 10. 2019 [15]
CIFAR100-C Corrupted version of the CIFAR 100. 2019 [15]
ImageNet-C Corrupted version of the ImageNet. 2019 [15]
ImageNet - A, O, R Different Outlier Variants for the ImageNet. 2019 [18]
ImageNet - V2 A new test set for the ImageNet. 2019 [19]
ImageNet - ES Event stream (ES) version of the ImageNet. 2021 [20]
iNaturalist A Subset of iNaturalist, with 10.000 images. 2021 [34]
Fractals A dataset with Fractals from PIXMIX: Dreamlike Pictures Comprehensively Improve Safety Measures 2022 [39]
Feature Visualizations A dataset with Feature visualizations from PIXMIX: Dreamlike Pictures Comprehensively Improve Safety Measures 2022 [39]
FS Static The FishyScapes (FS) Static dataset contains real world OOD images from the CityScapes dataset. 2021 [22]
FS LostAndFound The FishyScapes dataset contains images from the CityScapes dataset blended with unknown objects scraped from the web. 2021 [22]
MVTech-AD The MVTec AD is a dataset for benchmarking anomaly detection methods with a focus on industrial inspection. 2021 [23]
StreetHazards Anomaly Segmentation Dataset 2022 [24]
CIFAR100-GAN Images sampled from low likelihood regions of a BigGAN trained on CIFAR 100 from the paper On Outlier Exposure with Generative Models. 2022 [25]
SSB - hard The hard split of the Semantic Shift Benchmark, which contains 49.00 images. 2022 [26]
NINCO The NINCO (No ImageNet Class Objects) dataset which contains 5.879 images of 64 OOD classes. 2023 [27]
SuMNIST The SuMNIST dataset is based on MNIST but each image display four numbers instead of one. 2023 [28]
Gaussian Noise Dataset with samples drawn from a normal distribution.    
Uniform Noise Dataset with samples drawn from a uniform distribution.    

Text Datasets:

Dataset Description Year Ref
Multi30k Multi-30k dataset, as used by Hendrycks et al. in the OOD baseline paper. 2016 [32]
WikiText2 Texts from the wikipedia often used as auxiliary OOD training data. 2016 [33]
WikiText103 Texts from the wikipedia often used as auxiliary OOD training data. 2016 [33]
NewsGroup20 Textx from different newsgroups, as used by Hendrycks et al. in the OOD baseline paper.    

Augmentation Methods:

Augmentation Description Year Ref
PixMix PixMix image augmentation method 2022 [39]
COCO Outlier Pasting From "Entropy maximization and meta classification for OOD in semantic segmentation" 2021 [40]

🤝 Contributing

We encourage everyone to contribute to this project by adding implementations of OOD Detection methods, datasets etc, or check the existing implementations for bugs.

📝 Citing

pytorch-ood was presented at a CVPR Workshop in 2022. If you use it in a scientific publication, please consider citing:

    author    = {Kirchheim, Konstantin and Filax, Marco and Ortmeier, Frank},
    title     = {PyTorch-OOD: A Library for Out-of-Distribution Detection Based on PyTorch},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2022},
    pages     = {4351-4360}

🛡️ ️License

The code is licensed under Apache 2.0. We have taken care to make sure any third party code included or adapted has compatible (permissive) licenses such as MIT, BSD, etc. The legal implications of using pre-trained models in commercial services are, to our knowledge, not fully understood.

🔗 References

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[2]Liang, S., et al. (2017). Enhancing the reliability of out-of-distribution image detection in neural networks. ICLR.
[3]Lee, K., et al. (2018). A simple unified framework for detecting out-of-distribution samples and adversarial attacks. NeurIPS.
[4]Gal, Y., & Ghahramani, Z. (2016). Dropout as a bayesian approximation: Representing model uncertainty in deep learning. ICML.
[5]Hendrycks, D., & Gimpel, K. (2016). A baseline for detecting misclassified and out-of-distribution examples in neural networks. ICLR.
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