PhantomJS ( is a headless WebKit scriptable with JavaScript. It is used by hundreds of developers and dozens of organizations for web-related development workflow.
This fork is a recipe for building phantomjs for windows x86 using Visual Studio 2012 tool chain.
See for original.
Windows-binaries in bin-win32 is based on phantomjs/master-branch cloned 17.12.2014 at 1pm.
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (or Express) with Visual C++ :
- Perl 5.20.x :
- Python 2.7.x:
- Ruby 1.9.x:
- Git 1.9.x:
- Start-Run "Developer Command Prompt for VS2012"
"%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat"
- Set Visual Studio compiler variables:
"%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"
- Add perl, python, ruby and git to path (NOTE: Paths must be in this particular order with git last due to version conflict with GIT/PERL)
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Perl64\bin;C:\Python27;C:\Ruby193\bin;%programfiles(x86)%\Git\bin;
- Set ssl-info for git, if needed for git clone:
git config --system http.sslcainfo "%programfiles(x86)%\Git\bin\curl-ca-bundle.crt"
- Add QT specific build parameters - Adjust according to location of your git repo
SET SQLITE3SRCDIR=C:\GIT\phantomjs-build\src\qt\qtbase\src\3rdparty\sqlite
SET QMAKESPEC=win32-msvc2012
- Change build.cmd to set which tool chain to use: (NOTE: Currently master branch is msvc2012, see:
build.cmd:10 set 3RD_PARTY_LIBRARIES_REPO_BRANCH=master
build.cmd:13 set 3RD_PARTY_LIBRARIES_REPO_BRANCH=msvc2012_debug
Run 'build.cmd' which will run for 2-4 hours depending on your computing power.
In order for your custom phantomjs master build to run the following must be installed and available at runtime:
- OpenSSL (i.e. Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.1j) from Make sure you select option to copy binaries to windows system directory
- Microsoft Visual C++ redist 2012 x86:
- Microsoft Visual C++ redist 2012 64-bit:
NOTE: Before running phantomjs custom built binary for the first time: Start a new command prompt for openssl to load properly.