DQDK is a framework to develop data acquisition systems over UDP. DQDK uses AF_XDP with an ultra-lightweight UDP/IP stack. DQDK exploits COTS hardware architectures and advanced OS features to achieve high-performance zero-loss DAQ.
Cite our paper:
J. Mostafa, D. Tcherniakhovski, S. Chilingaryan, M. Balzer, A. Kopmann and J. Becker, "100 Gbit/s UDP Data Acquisition on Linux Using AF_XDP: The TRISTAN Detector" in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, doi: 10.1109/TNS.2024.3452469.
author={Mostafa, Jalal and Tcherniakhovski, Denis and Chilingaryan, Suren and Balzer, Matthias and Kopmann, Andreas and Becker, J\"urgen},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science},
title={100 Gbit/s UDP Data Acquisition on Linux Using AF_XDP: The TRISTAN Detector},
Requires Linux Kernel 6.6+ Tested on Ubuntu 24.04.01 (Kernel 6.8)
For Ubuntu
apt install clang llvm libelf-dev libpcap-dev gcc-multilib build-essential linux-tools-common linux-tools-generic linux-headers-$(uname -r) m4 libnuma-dev liburing-dev
git clone --recursive https://github.com/kit-ipe/dqdk.git
cd dqdk
sudo make install
To uninstall run sudo make uninstall
in src
DQDK uses NIC RX HW Timestamping to timestamp the packet on arrival. Another timestamp is issued inside DQDK user-space code. The latency is calculated by calculating the differnece between the 2 timestamps. The NIC clock (PHC) and the system clock should be synchronized. An PTP service can be used to do this synchronization. Example:
ptp4l -i eth0 -m
phc2sys -s eth0 -c CLOCK_REALTIME -O 0
Run DQDK in debug mode to measure latencies. Make sure all NIC offloading capabilities are enabled and working properly, otherwise a kernel panic occurs and the server needs restarting. Disable ntpd, chronyd, systemd-timesyncd and systemd-timedated services because they will conflict with ptp4l.