a simple ros serial node for imu, such as mpu 6050.
you should change it by your serial Communication protocol. this package depend on serial: http://wiki.ros.org/rosserial/
([sensor_msgs::Imu])The resulting Imu orientation.
- The resulting orientation is published as a tf transform, the frame names can be set using the parameters.
([std_srvs/Empty])This service sets the current orientation as the new zero orientation so that from now on only the difference to this orientation is sent.
(string, default: "/dev/ttyACM0")The name of the serial port.
(double, default: 0.0)This sets an offset which is added to the header timestamp of the imu-topic and the TF transforms. This can be used to synchronise the IMUs orientation values to values of another sensor.
(string, default: "imu_base")Sets the name of the base frame for imu messages.
(string, default: "imu_base")Sets the name of the parent frame in the tf transform.
(string, default: "imu")Sets the name of the own frame in the tf transform.