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Releases: kinmury/obsidian-ukiyo

Update 2.3.2

20 Sep 14:16
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Update 2.3.2

Update 2.2.0

05 Aug 12:17
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Update 2.1.0

29 Jan 15:54
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Showcase Error - Should be fixed

Ukiyo - v2.0.1

12 Nov 16:56
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Ukiyo - "Finished" Rework

Ukiyo v2.0.0 - Beta - v2

23 Oct 16:47
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Golden Coffee - Color Scheme

Ukiyo v2.0.0 - Beta - v1

18 Oct 16:26
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Ukiyo - 'Beta'

Ukiyo v1.0.37

28 Aug 07:08
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Obsidian Version - 0.15.9


  • New Sidebars - The side bars "are not" part of the workspace as before. Instead, the sidebars hover over the note (or the root workspace)
    • This means that the note wont change his display when either sidebar is opened
    • By default, said sidebars will have a lower opacity when not hovered over them
  • Metadata Callout - > [!metadata] - New callout design added to the theme. (I use it for metadata, put it can be used for anything you want)
    • An icon will appear on reading mode, on the top left side of the note. Once you hover said icon, the callout will appear, showing his content
      • Warning - You can write more than one metadata callout, put you can only access (on reading mode) to last one
    • This callout can be seen on the note and the popover view of said note, but not when you embed the note on another note


  • Light Mode - Ukiyo - There's a new light mode color design for the default color scheme
  • Modals - The settings modals are smaller
  • Side Docks - Now are easier to hover over them
  • Prompt Input Border - Gone
  • Popover - Box shadow added


  • Note Size - Now the note size when readable line length is active is wider than default
  • Banner Plugin - The banners are not affected by the general CSS of the theme, so it works as expected
  • Sidebars - Removed unnecessary horizontal scroll

Ukiyo - V1.0.27

20 Aug 09:58
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Obsidian Version - v0.15.9



  • Folder Indent Line - Reduced line width and color
  • Subtle Animations - Various elements such as modals (like the settings, community themes and plugins panels), prompts and suggestions have an animations when appearing
  • Highlights - Padding on both sides of the highlight was added on preview view
  • PDF - Minor improvements and buttons where styled
  • File Dragging and Active File - Missing color style added
  • Blockquote Background - Edit View - Now there is a background color on every blockquote line (>)
  • Headings Feature - Live Preview - Now there is a clean and soft animation when the cursor enters a line with a heading on it
    • Feature created by Luke242#8485
  • Images and Mermaid - New transitions where added when you click over them
  • Kanban Plugin
    • Better hover animations
    • The margins and paddings of all the elements inside the items where remove, so that the information can be seen in less space



  • Folder Indent Line - Fixed position
  • [[Links]]
    • The size of the popover note now adapts to the width and height of the note
    • Said popover won't hide anymore the link below itself, so that you can still click the link without moving the cursor to the link icon of the popover
  • Menu/Red Items - Subtle issues fixed (when hover over the "Remove" option, the svg icon and the text transition on different speed and, in some cases, the color intensity was different)
  • PDF - Subtle issues fixed (such as the highlight having unnecessary top and bottom padding)

Golden Coffee

  • Kanban - Fixed color issues

Golden Book

  • Note Line Number - Fixed Active Line Color
  • Red Buttons - Fixed color
  • Kanban - Fixed color issues


  • Red Buttons - Fixed Color
  • Kanban - Fixed color issues

Ukiyo - V1.0.12

01 Aug 08:58
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Obsidian Version - v0.15.9

  • View Header - Added smooth animation
    • Hide User Interface - Also added smooth animation
  • Sliding Panes Plugin - Note title fixed
  • Folder/Files Vertical Line - Now, there is a vertical line on the left side of the files that are inside of a folder
  • Community Themes - Fixed "Check for Updates" button, background image and GitHub Icon positions

Ukiyo - V1.0.8

13 Jul 14:29
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  • Pop Out - The windows is fixed so that you can drag it more easily
  • Headings - Updated to the Obsidian Desktop v0.15.6
  • Hidden UI
    • Fixed issue related to the behavior of the maximized window
    • Now it's easier to drag the window anywhere
  • Workspace Leaf Resize Handles - Updated to the Obsidian Desktop v0.15.6
  • Workspace Tabs - Updated to the Obsidian Desktop v0.15.6
  • Selected Text and Arrows + Vertical Lines
    • Updated to the Obsidian Desktop v0.15.6
    • Improved visibility by adding a vertical line at the beginning and ending of the selection
  • Active Line - Updated to the Obsidian Desktop v0.15.6
    • Alternative Active Line - Updated to the Obsidian Desktop v0.15.6