Releases: kilianpaquier/craft
Releases · kilianpaquier/craft
1.0.0-beta.19 (2025-02-16)
- templates: add simple CODEOWNERS file generation (ed19b3f)
- deps: bump in the minor-patch group (3d77c9a)
- deps: bump the minor-patch group with 2 updates (7826ab5)
- deps: update indirect dependencies (5f97c69)
Code Refactoring
- add flexibility on generation with Generator function instead of just templates, allow patching generations with git diff files and generate gitignore from (c481a82)
1.0.0-beta.18 (2025-01-12)
- golang: add a bunch of build info variables in Dockerfile and Makefile for easier build identification (66effd0)
- build: rename Makefile command when only one binary is present (09f5cd0)
- config: use vcs instead of git for naming (ad13de1)
- deps: migrate from cli-sdk to compare to compare tests results (59a2f0a)
- deps: upgrade dependencies (f6078f9)
- go: add more dynamic build.go version Stringer implementation depending on version format (88c1141)
Code Refactoring
1.0.0-beta.17 (2024-12-25)
Bug Fixes
- github: allow codecov reporting to fail without failing the whole workflow (b8ee5cf)
- github: ignore coverage on renovate branches (19a4f13)
- github: missing or build step present where is should not have been present or missing and avoid nodejs static configuration without any main (6c7c547)
- gitlab: run renovate jobs only on web and schedule triggers (c16ce5f)
- renovate: update dry run option and improve logging behavior (ad6c47f)
- validation: avoid error on generate when craft file doesn't exist (10d152b)
- github: use codecov action v4 since
cannot be used (0fbab2e)
- cmd: report caller in logs (e7bdb5d)
- codecov: update CodeCov Action version (65c6055)
- deps: bump (c9c81e4)
- deps: bump (21a822b)
- deps: bump (e020aec)
- deps: bump (d78a8d9)
- deps: bump (d34333e)
- deps: bump in the minor-patch group (673ffcd)
- deps: bump in the minor-patch group (245345d)
- deps: bump in the minor-patch group (a6f2b32)
- deps: bump in the minor-patch group (a268fdf)
- deps: migrate GitLab Go SDK to (ebc3daa)
- deps: upgrade codecov github action version to v5 (89dbcc3)
- deps: upgrade various dependencies (d042bb9)
- go: edit test coverage ignore and golangci-lint linters (remove errcheck since it's covered by revive) (4b082f3)
- helm: avoid running cronjobs every minutes (f159fa7)
- mk: clean ignored directories in make clean (35aa2e3)
- mk: move mk files to subdir scripts/mk (c2c8031)
- renovate: bump github action version (08b09b3)
- schema: removed duplicated information (dbd1e22)
Code Refactoring
1.0.0-beta.16 (2024-10-30)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- releaserc: invalid fail and success comments conditions (8b2e4d0)
- releaserc: update conditions for fail and success comments for gitlab (700633a)
- renovate: ensure patch and minor upgrades are in the same pull requests (533b6d4)
⚙️ Chores
1.0.0-beta.15 (2024-10-27)
- prepare mono repositories generation (rename some files that could be conflictual) (c553a82)
Bug Fixes
- github actions: missing run-workflow dependencies in docker actions file (de0a432)
- github actions: use input to run build job with nodejs and golang since 'workflow_call' isn't available for github.event_name (60d7da1)
- missing rights in github actions release golang workflow call (0f40fe7)
- missing secrets inheritance in github release action (0a55afd)
- nodejs: ensure build job in release workflow (github) is present only when release publishes on a registry (1dba0c8)
1.0.0-beta.14 (2024-10-16)
Bug Fixes
- ci: add required permissions for docker and netlify github jobs when run with workflow_dispatch (0279970)
- ci: invalid rights on docker jobs in github release action (506bb7b)
- config defaults: avoid panic with bot default authentication when no CI is defined (be67d51)
- github: invalid CI configurations for netlify and pages in release workflow with shared build workflow call (7908dd5)
- hugo: change production directory to dist to be coherent with CICD generation (7ade0f6)
- schema: add available CI option from craft codebase with extensibility possibilities (960623e)
1.0.0-beta.13 (2024-10-05)
- release: gh-release, and release-drafter aren't available anymore
- add no_readme option in .craft (8b100be)
- initialize: use huh lib for a better project initialization UI (1aae28a)
Bug Fixes
- github: inverted description for workflow dispatch in release action (0191249)
- go: add test timeout to all test commands (7aa3257)
- golangci-lint: add some exceptions for varnamelen and remove err113 (1b0166c)
- labeler: add missing branches configuration for autolabeler (f234291)
- lint: rename HandleDir into BasicExecFunc (471cb44)
- multiple fixes on ci for docker and release and straighten golangci-lint rules with multiple new linters (c56f1a5)
- deps: bump the minor-patch group with 2 updates (a054222)
- deps: bump the minor-patch group with 2 updates (e57c60e)
- deps: upgrade (6a202bc)
- generated: add markdown comment style in regexp for IsGenerated (087a4d3)
Code Refactoring
- generate: add suffixes to Detec, Exec types and FileHandlers functions (1202a0e)
- generate: simplify logging feature (6fa1977)
- generate: use metadata as ptr in Detect function and add Generic in global Detects slice to simplify Run behavior (bb7f9a3)
- release: keep only semantic-release as available releaser in generation (6df9b18)
1.0.0-beta.12 (2024-08-25)
- gitlab: implement netlify and pages deployments (d6a5890)
- renovate: add configuration for both gitlab and github CI (4aa4350)
- upgrade: add new command for easier upgrade of craft (2dfefa0)
Bug Fixes
- ci: change return 0 to exit 0 since returns can only be used in shell functions (f60378d)
- dependabot: add specific time and zone for checks (3dad6e8)
- github: ensure version job has the same rights as release one (1d9e45c)
- github: invalid version action path and name (44608c1)
- gitlab: invalid semrel version when semantic-release successfully computed it (ead6d67)
- labeler: invalid configuration and comittish name in CI (7629601)
- nodejs: invalid required on repository when repository is private (769b68c)
- renovate: add author email and git signoff (b884e19)
- upgrade: add default installation destination path in help (97049a8)
- deps: bump (82b7360)
- deps: migrate mergo go.mod import (906ecfc)
- deps: upgrade indirect dependencies (829fe00)
- golangci: lighten gocognit max-complixity to 30 (8a84802)
- makefile: remove for golang docker install script when no executable is detected (98bb7e7)
- renovate: change base branches configuration for only default one and maintenance branches (1dc5966)
- renovate: remove config migration option (7c4760a)
- renovate: remove git author configuration (6ab7ecb)
- renovate: use CI variables instead of generation variable for autodiscover filter and git author (59ce09f)
Code Refactoring
- filehandler: rework github and gitlab handling of optional files (bf43c29)
- github: a lot of things reworked, but a small summary (051680e)
- A new CI option for github (labeler) to auto label pull requests based on modified files or PR title
- Maintenance>Bot is now bot in configuration
- Release workflow in github was reworked to allow netlify, pages and docker CI parts to be used without releasing (release disabled)
- Netlify and pages have now their own section static in configuration file
- Renovate configuration can be generated without the CI (to use with for instance)
1.0.0-beta.11 (2024-08-12)
- github: add gh-release for CI release action (2e5394d)
- implement release-drafter as release action - #46 (c64ed3c)
- nodejs: implement npm publish in node-build when working with release-drafter or gh-release (1674391)
Bug Fixes
- allow detections to return error in case something unrecoverable is encountered (1d00a91)
- drafter: add missing artifacts download step (16b3562)
- drafter: bad glob for assets upload in release (4a1ec05)
- drafter: remove contributors footer since github already does it when contributor is tagged in release (a5f7ea9)
- drafter: remove GE_HOST setup (0c891e9)
- github: add needs on version job for release job (b3bae1b)
- github: move permission in dependencies submission job to specific job (582f64c)
- github: print released version in release process (9eb3056)
- github: various fixes on release file actions (additional git checkouts, new breaking section in release note) (5629dc0)
- golangci-lint: lighten cyclop alert and harden cognit alert (456a785)
- print destination filename instead of template one in logs (17c4466)
- print only filename instead of full path when not regenerating it (f016ead)
- semrel: put back specific version for conventionalcommits parser (b5bbaf4)
- readme: add missing netlify option (24754a6)
- actions: enforce docker environment in github actions for docker build and docker trivy (ce1ab97)
- golangci: remove nested-structs rule (57efd62)
- makefile: print installing or current version on install scripts (e77dd8c)
- semrel: remove dist when not working with golang (cb7426a)
- semrel: remove specific conventionalcommits version since semantic-release upgraded (2202798)
Code Refactoring
- nodejs: make packageManager required in package.json file (2d12dd2)
1.0.0-beta.10 (2024-08-05)
- github: use package.json packageManager version for bun projects (28be5cd)
- makefile: add for golang and hugo with various installation scripts (48f9038)
- netlify: add github action job and as such option with github actions (9f3c250)
- sdk: move and refactor craft to be used also as a SDK - #45 (78b0e4e)
Bug Fixes
- go: rename revive option imports-blocklist (11f3f44)
- netlify: add dev folder in gitignore for nodejs and hugo (1a98fd1)
- netlify: add netlify.toml file in github actions job (06c7567)
- npm: add id-token to release for provenance signature (33ea480)
- deps: bump in the minor-patch group (f4e0991)
- deps: bump in the minor-patch group (f7466b4)
- deps: bump in the minor-patch group (1c372be)
- deps: bump in the minor-patch group (b950e15)
- deps: upgrade various dependencies (9917992)
- generate: remove SplitSlice unused function (23d1925)
- schema: add chart schema for craft chart file (e54f313)