- 🏡 Working as an Engineering Manager at Fundamento. 💻
- 🔭 In relationship with JavaScript. 😉
- 🌱 Learning everything. 🤣
- 😎 Known as "Problem Solver"❓
- 💬 Ask me anything here related to Javascript(React & Node), AWS, IoT related solutions.
- 📫 How to reach me: Say 👋 Hey on Email at Khushil Khatri
I like to solve a problem❓, so people who know me call me "Problem Solver"😎. I'm highly intrigued by having a strong interest in projects that require both conceptual 🧠 and analytical thinking 📈. In my recent work, our team has provided an IoT solution to industries 🏭. Currently, working on SaaS product that have a vast user base 👥. I like to learn new things and I never consider coding as my work 💻 because I really enjoy it a lot 🥳.
I have 5+ year of experience with javascript based frameworks like Node JS, React JS, Express JS etc. I have worked in IoT and Healthcare related projects/products and worked on SaaS products too. Have a good grip on DS, Algorithm, AWS services, gitlab CI/CD.