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/ IGM_SARSCOV2 Public archive
forked from dezordi/ViralFlow

dezordi/ViralFlow workflow for SARS-CoV-2 reference guided genome assembly modified by FIOCRUZ-IGM to work locally

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This repository contains a forked from dezordi/ViralFlow of a set of scripts to performs a reference guided genome assembly of SARS-CoV-2 created by Filipe Dezordi and Gabriel Wallau (FIOCRUZ-IAM).

Reference guided genome assembly of SARS-CoV-2 (Using ViralFlow v0.0.5 - dezordi/ViralFlow)

Assembly + summary stats:
  igm_sarscov2 -w 1 -p <primer scheme> -i <input path> -d <depth> -t <threads>

  igm_sarscov2 -w 2 -p <primer scheme> -i <input path> -d <depth> -t <threads>

Summary stats:
  igm_sarscov2 -w 3 -p <primer scheme> -i <input path> -t <threads>

Command line parameters:
  -d arg    Minimum depth to variant calling (default: 10).
  -h        Print this help and exit.
  -i arg    Path containing the Illumina fastQ sequencing data.
  -p arg    Primer scheme name used for generate tiling amplicons (i.e. ARTIC_V4-1).
  -t arg    Max number of threads (default: all cores minus 2).
  -u        Update conda dependencies.
  -v        Display version information and check for update.
  -w arg    Set the workflow option (1- assembly+summary; 2- assembly; 3- summary).

Setting up the pipeline

Download and install the pipeline from the github repo:

git clone --recursive; cd IGM_SARSCOV2
chmod 700 -R INSTALL

How to use the complete workflow

  • For use, requires:
    • Set the workflow option number 1.
    • Primer scheme name used for generate tiling amplicons (i.e.: ARTIC_V4, ARTIC_V4-1 or FIOCRUZ-IOC_V2).
    • Path containing the Illumina fastQ sequencing data.
  • Optional:
    • Max number of threads (default: all cores minus 2).
    • Minimum depth to variant calling (default: 10).
igm_sarscov2 -w 1 -p ARTIC_V4-1 -i /home/user/BaseSpaceFolder/LIBRARRY_NAME -d 10 -t 12

How to use the assembly workflow

  • For use, requires:
    • Set the workflow option number 2.
    • Primer scheme name used for generate tiling amplicons (i.e.: ARTIC_V4, ARTIC_V4-1 or FIOCRUZ-IOC_V2).
    • Path containing the Illumina fastQ sequencing data.
  • Optional:
    • Max number of threads (default: all cores minus 2).
    • Minimum depth to variant calling (default: 10).
igm_sarscov2 -w 2 -p ARTIC_V4-1 -i /home/user/BaseSpaceFolder/LIBRARRY_NAME -d 10 -t 12

How to use the summary stats workflow

  • For use, requires:
    • Set the workflow option number 3.
    • Primer scheme name used for generate tiling amplicons (i.e.: ARTIC_V4, ARTIC_V4-1 or FIOCRUZ-IOC_V2).
    • Path containing the Illumina fastQ sequencing data.
  • Optional:
    • Max number of threads (default: all cores minus 2).
igm_sarscov2 -w 3 -p ARTIC_V4-1 -i /home/user/BaseSpaceFolder/LIBRARRY_NAME -t 12

Files info

 ├── INSTALL                      ### script for install dependencies
 └── primer_schemes/
  ├── ARTIC_V3.fasta              ### ARTIC V3 primers
  ├── ARTIC_V4.fasta              ### ARTIC V4 primers
  ├── ARTIC_V4-1.fasta            ### ARTIC V4 primers
  ├── FIOCRUZ-IOC_V2.fasta        ### FIOCRUZ-IOC V2 primers
 └── ref_seq/
 ├── MN908947.3.fasta             ### SARS-CoV-2 reference sequence
 └── scripts/
  ├──                ### run bwa index (forked from dezordi/ViralFlow) - v.0.0.5
  ├──                  ### run bwa mem (forked from dezordi/ViralFlow) - v.0.0.5
  ├──                    ### run fastp (forked from dezordi/ViralFlow) - v.0.0.5
  ├──                  ### perform intrahost variant analysis with bam-readcount and (forked from dezordi/ViralFlow) - v.0.0.5
  ├── igm_sarscov2                ### script for run the analysis
  ├──                ### identify genomic positions with multi-allele frequencies (forked from dezordi/ViralFlow) - v.0.0.5
  ├──                     ### run iVar variant and iVar consensus (forked from dezordi/ViralFlow) - v.0.0.5
  └── sars2_assembly              ### ViralFlow script (forked from dezordi/ViralFlow) - v.0.0.5

Results info

  ├── SAMPLE.R1.fastq.gz                                                                     ### temporary copy of RAW R1 fastq.gz file
  ├── SAMPLE.R2.fastq.gz                                                                     ### temporary copy of RAW R2 fastq.gz file
  └── SAMPLE.results/
   ├── SAMPLE.R1.fq.gz                                                                       ### trimmed R1 fastq.gz file
   ├── SAMPLE.R2.fq.gz                                                                       ### trimmed R2 fastq.gz file
   ├── SAMPLE.coverage.pdf                                                                   ### coverage plot
   ├── SAMPLE.depthXX.amb.fa                                                                 ### consensus defined with iVar with ambiguous nucleotideos on positions where major allele frequencies correspond at least 60% of depth
   ├── SAMPLE.depthXX.fa                                                                     ### consensus defined with iVar
   ├── SAMPLE.depthXX.fa.algn                                                                ### alignment of consensus with reference sequence
   ├── SAMPLE.depthXX.fa.algn.minor.fa                                                       ### minor consensus genome
   ├── SAMPLE.depthXX.fa.bc                                                                  ### nucleotide frequencies by genomic position
   ├── SAMPLE.depthXX.fa.bc.intrahost.short.tsv                                              ### summary of minor variant informations
   ├── SAMPLE.depthXX.fa.bc.intrahost.tsv                                                    ### minor variant informations
   ├── SAMPLE.ivar60.qual.txt                                                                ### iVar quality call consensus (frequency threshold: 0.60)
   ├── SAMPLE.lineage_report.csv                                                             ### pangolin lineage analysis
   ├── SAMPLE.nextclade.csv                                                                  ### nextclade analysis
   ├── SAMPLE.qual.txt                                                                       ### iVar quality call consensus
   ├── SAMPLE.quality.html                                                                   ### fastp quality control informations
   ├── SAMPLE.sorted.bam                                                                     ### sorted bam file
   ├── SAMPLE.sorted.bam.bai                                                                 ### index of sorted bam file
   ├── SAMPLE.time.txt                                                                       ### time in minutes of each step of analysis
   ├── SAMPLE.tsv                                                                            ### iVar with the frequencies of iSNVs
   └── fastp.json                                                                            ### metafile of fastp quality control informations
  ├── LIBRARYNAME.folder_info.HOSTNAME.YYYY-MM-DD.txt                                        ### RAW fastq.gz folder info
  ├── LIBRARYNAME.PRIMERSCHEME.depthXX.consensus.HOSTNAME.YYYY-MM-DD.fasta                   ### multifasta with major consensus genomes
  ├── LIBRARYNAME.PRIMERSCHEME.depthXX.consensus_with_minor.HOSTNAME.YYYY-MM-DD.fasta        ### multifasta with major and minor consensus genomes
  ├── LIBRARYNAME.PRIMERSCHEME.depthXX.coverage.HOSTNAME.YYYY-MM-DD.pdf                      ### library coverage plot
  ├── LIBRARYNAME.PRIMERSCHEME.depthXX.log.HOSTNAME.YYYY-MM-DD.txt                           ### log analysis
  └── LIBRARYNAME.PRIMERSCHEME.depthXX.summary.HOSTNAME.YYYY-MM-DD.txt                       ### summary of statistics, pangolin and nextclade


  • If you use this workflow for academic purposes, please cite the principal repository and preprint article:


dezordi/ViralFlow workflow for SARS-CoV-2 reference guided genome assembly modified by FIOCRUZ-IGM to work locally






  • Python 54.6%
  • Shell 45.4%