A basic smart contract after learning from the buildspace program. Using Replit to build a simple web app via coonect with a Solidity smart contract. Even though I finished this project and earned the NFT from buildspace (you can find it here: https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x3CD266509D127d0Eac42f4474F57D0526804b44e/15677), I will keep updating the codes along the way. Therefore, if you try to replicate these codes, sometimes you might encounter errors or you might find the web app is not entirely interactive, which means I mess up somewhere in my codes and I have yet adjusted them.
I put some comments along with the codes as a summary of what I learned through the instructions from buildspace. You can also explore other learners' codes from buildspace program for futher exploration.
Happy building! Have a great day!