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Programming Fundamentals

  1. Python, Pycharm Setup
  2. Virtual Environment
  3. Getting Familier with Python console
  4. Hello World in Python
  5. Data Types in python
    • integer, string, boolean
    • List, Tuple, Dictionary, Set
  6. Object oriented programming
    • Class
    • Access Modifier
    • Inheritance
      • Single level
      • Multi level
    • Class, Static Method
  7. Exception
  8. Decorators

REST API Development

  1. Getting started with flask
  2. HTTP Protocal
  3. REST API conventions
  5. Authentication and Authorization
    • Token Based Authentication
    • Access, Refresh Token
  6. Database
    • Setup Postgres
    • User creation and permission on database
    • Configuration of SQLAlchemy
    • Queries on PSQL shell
    • CRUD using ORM
    • Filter, Group
    • Relationship
      • One-to-One
      • One-to-Many
      • Many-to-One
      • Many-to-Many
    • JOIN
    • Left, Right
  7. Environment Configuration
  8. Migration
  9. Pagination
  10. Marshmallow
    • Schema
    • Dump
    • Load
    • Nested Schema
  11. Error Handling in Flask
  12. Validation
  13. Global Context
  14. Deployment