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Final Project Machine Learning Course

By: @kggold4 @TalSomech

Spotify dataset classification


Dataset link

Mark: 96


Our main project is in the spotify_classification.ipynb notebook, also see the file (for our utils functions).


The goal of this project is to train machine learning models (supervised) that will classified the popularity of a spotify song to three classes:

  1. high popular
  2. medium popular
  3. non popular



  1. acousticness (Ranges from 0 to 1)
  2. artists (List of artists mentioned)
  3. danceability (Ranges from 0 to 1)
  4. duration_ms (Integer typically ranging from 200k to 300k)
  5. energy (Ranges from 0 to 1)
  6. explicit (0 = No explicit content, 1 = Explicit content) - Categorical.
  7. id (Id of track generated by Spotify) - Numerical.
  8. id_artists.
  9. instrumentalness (Ranges from 0 to 1).
  10. key (All keys on octave encoded as values ranging from 0 to 11, starting on C as 0, C# as 1 and so on…).
  11. liveness (Ranges from 0 to 1).
  12. loudness (Float typically ranging from -60 to 0).
  13. mode (0 = Minor, 1 = Major).
  14. name (Name of the song).
  15. popularity (Ranges from 0 to 100).
  16. release_date (Date of release mostly in yyyy-mm-dd format, however precision of date may vary).
  17. speechiness (Ranges from 0 to 1).
  18. tempo (Float typically ranging from 50 to 150).
  19. time_signature.
  20. valence (Ranges from 0 to 1).

Correlations between popularity and others features


NOTE: during the ordering of the data we applay the popularity for classification to be in the following format:

class real value class value
high popular 70 <= x 2
medium popular 40 <= x < 70 1
non popular x < 40 0

In order to see the distribution between the number of popularitry classes (unbalanced number of features in data):


Models result (unbalanced number of features in data):

model accuracy
KNeighbors Classifier 74.20 %
Logistic Regression 72.32 %
XGB Classifier 77.74 %
MLP Classifier 70.82 %

Models result (balanced number of features in data):

model accuracy
KNeighbors Classifier 59.35 %
Logistic Regression 60.06 %
XGB Classifier 65.41 %
MLP Classifier 64.16 %

Models result between regular and balanced data trained (shown in the notebook):



It's very difficult to precdict popularity of spotify tracks with the data we have in our data set, Even after we cleaned & normalized our data, and creation balanced and non-balanced training data for our models, We still see that the accuracy of our models is moderate.