996.ICU 衍生出来的周边文化。旨在让更多人知道并加入996.ICU的活动中来。
996.TSC:996,The Surrounding Culture (周边文化)。
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996.ICU 是IT从业者发起的一项倡议,我们欢迎其他领域、其他国家的人士加入讨论。
目前 996ICU License 处于起草阶段,希望有相关经验的专业人士能给予帮助。
- The purpose of this license is to prevent anti-labour-law companies from using the software or codes under the license, and force those companies to balance their work schedule.
- It is an idea of @xushunke: Design A Software License Of Labor Protection -- 996ICU License. See #15642 for more details.
This version of 996 License is drafted by Katt Gu, J.D, University of Illinois, College of Law; advised by Suji Yan, CEO of Dimension.
This draft is adapted from the MIT license. For more detailed explaination, please see Wiki. This license is designed to be compatible with all major open source licenses.
For law professionals or anyone who are willing to contribute to further version directly, please go to 996-License-Draft. Thank you.