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Releases: kevana/ui-for-docker


08 Sep 04:21
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New in this release:

  • Connect to TLS-protected Docker daemons
  • All dates are now displayed in ISO8601 format
  • Container list now has a shortcut to view container logs
  • Can now pull images from custom registries


  • Error now displays when image deletion fails
  • Restarts no longer cause existing clients to break, CSRF authkey is now persisted in a data volume.
  • HostConfig removed from container start requests, Docker 1.12 issue.


04 Apr 05:23
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Note: This release fixes two security vulnerabilities, please upgrade as soon as possible

New in this release:

  • Allow editing of container env vars, ports, and volume bindings similar to Kitematic
  • Column sorting on tables for containers, images, volumes, and networks
  • Stats and top pages now show container names
  • CSRF protection for API endpoints


  • Running containers can now be committed
  • Catch and display more API errors
  • Fix PublishAllPorts option for container creation
  • Select-all toggles on tables no longer select images that have been hidden by filters
  • Sanitize text sent to Gritter library to prevent XSS.

Full changelog


04 Apr 05:19
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v0.10.0 Pre-release

This release contains all features in v0.10.1 except for security patches related to XSS and CSRF. Please skip this release and go straight to v0.10.1.


01 Feb 18:20
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New in this release:

  • Basic management of networks and volumes on Docker 1.9+
  • Added docker-compose examples for Nginx auth and Swarm (/examples)
  • Added a refresh button
  • A punny logo


  • Get port bindings from NetworkSettings.Ports on container instead of HostConfig.PortBindings
  • Stats now retries after errors
  • Return to containers list after deleting a container
  • Only show “learn more” banner on first load per browser
  • Cleaned up charts

Full changelog


15 Dec 04:52
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Compatibility update for image tagging on Docker versions older than 1.9.x. (#157)


07 Dec 06:25
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New in this release:

  • Events view (under Info tab)
  • Containers Network view to visualize Links and VolumesFrom relationships between containers (Thanks Roger Abelenda)
  • Restart button for container view
  • Pull new images from the Docker Registry from the Images view
  • CPU/Memory/Network stats for running containers
  • Apply labels during container creation
  • Adding/Removing repo:version tags for images
  • Can now select TCP or UDP for portBindings during container creation


03 Apr 16:32
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New in this release:

  • Switched image to static binary built from scratch (5.4MB new image vs 443MB old image)
  • Added top view for containers
  • Limit lines retrieved by log tailing for large logs
  • Added batch restart for containers
  • Fixed loss of HostConfig during batch operations on containers
  • Fixed handling of image names with slashes
  • Strip raw byte headers from logs before display
  • Added missing fields to daemon info view

v0.6.0 - Container creation options

05 Feb 07:58
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New in this release:

  • Exposed all container creation options except Attach*
  • Added Karma for unit tests