Decreases final bundle size by 50Kb by tree-shaking Ramda methods with babel-plugin-ramda
Adds grouped fields selector in validation schema (#307 , docs )
Adds touched
property to the fieldState
(#289 )
Supports assertValue
option on createField
(docs )
Supports mapValue
option on createField
(docs )
Supports serialize
option on createField
(#303 , docs )
Supports exact
prop for Field.Group
(#321 , docs )
Fixes a bug that resulted into name-specific missing
message not being set on a field (#306 )
Fixes a bug that retained the last state of field's errors
after a field becomes valid (#301 )
Fixes a bug that resulted into exception being thrown for delegated reactive props subscriptions (#304 )
Fixes window is not defined
exception during server-side rendering (#322 )
Fixes a bug that didn't remove conditionally rendered fields from the form's state (#331 )
Fixes a bug that removed fields that don't match a predicate in Form.clear()
(#333 )
Fixes a bug that propagated type: "text"
to all fields by default (#335 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.