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Releases: keras-team/keras

Keras 3.4.1

26 Jun 15:42
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This is a minor bugfix release.

Keras 3.4.0

25 Jun 05:12
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  • Add support for arbitrary, deeply nested input/output structures in Functional models (e.g. dicts of dicts of lists of inputs or outputs...)
  • Add support for optional Functional inputs.
  • Introduce keras.dtype_policies.DTypePolicyMap for easy configuration of dtype policies of nested sublayers of a subclassed layer/model.
  • New ops:
    • keras.ops.argpartition
    • keras.ops.scan
    • keras.ops.lstsq
    • keras.ops.switch
    • keras.ops.dtype
    • keras.ops.image.rgb_to_hsv
    • keras.ops.image.hsv_to_rgb

What's changed

  • Add support for float8 inference for Dense and EinsumDense layers.
  • Add custom name argument in all Keras Applications models.
  • Add axis argument in keras.losses.Dice.
  • Enable keras.utils.FeatureSpace to be used in a pipeline even when the backend isn't TensorFlow.
  • StringLookup layer can now take tf.SparseTensor as input.
  • Metric.variables is now recursive.
  • Add training argument to Model.compute_loss().
  • Add dtype argument to all losses.
  • keras.utils.split_dataset now supports nested structures in dataset.
  • Bugs fixes and performance improvements.

Full Changelog: v3.3.3...v3.4.0

Keras 3.3.3

26 Apr 23:21
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This is a minor bugfix release.

Keras 3.3.2

22 Apr 23:39
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This is a simple fix release that re-surfaces legacy Keras 2 APIs that aren't part of Keras package proper, but that are still featured in tf.keras. No other content has changed.

Keras 3.3.1

22 Apr 22:45
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This is a simple fix release that moves the legacy _tf_keras API directory to the root of the Keras pip package. This is done in order to preserve import paths like from tensorflow.keras import layers without making any changes to the TensorFlow API files.

No other content has changed.

Keras 3.3.0

22 Apr 18:30
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What's Changed

  • Introduce float8 training.
  • Add LoRA to ConvND layers.
  • Add keras.ops.ctc_decode for JAX and TensorFlow.
  • Add keras.ops.vectorize,
  • Add keras.ops.image.rgb_to_grayscale.
  • Add keras.losses.Tversky loss.
  • Add full bincount and digitize sparse support.
  • Models and layers now return owned metrics recursively.
  • Add pickling support for Keras models. Note that pickling is not recommended, prefer using Keras saving APIs.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

In addition, the codebase structure has evolved:

  • All source files are now in keras/src/.
  • All API files are now in keras/api/.
  • The codebase structure stays unchanged when building the Keras pip package. This means you can pip install Keras directly from the GitHub sources.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.2.1...v3.3.0

Keras 3.2.1

10 Apr 20:33
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What's Changed

This is a minor bugfix release.

Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.2.1

Keras 3.2.0

08 Apr 21:21
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What changed

  • Introduce QLoRA-like technique for LoRA fine-tuning of Dense and EinsumDense layers (thereby any LLM) in int8 precision.
  • Extend keras.ops.custom_gradient support to PyTorch.
  • Add keras.layers.JaxLayer and keras.layers.FlaxLayer to wrap JAX/Flax modules as Keras layers.
  • Allow save_model & load_model to accept a file-like object.
  • Add quantization support to the Embedding layer.
  • Make it possible to update metrics inside a custom compute_loss method with all backends.
  • Make it possible to access self.losses inside a custom compute_loss method with the JAX backend.
  • Add keras.losses.Dice loss.
  • Add keras.ops.correlate.
  • Make it possible to use cuDNN LSTM & GRU with a mask with the TensorFlow backend.
  • Better JAX support in model.export(): add support for aliases, finer control over jax2tf options, and dynamic batch shapes.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.1.1...v3.2.0

Keras 3.1.1

19 Mar 18:22
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This is a minor bugfix release over 3.1.0.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v3.1.1

Keras 3.1.0

11 Mar 16:04
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New features

  • Add support for int8 inference. Just call model.quantize("int8") to do an in-place conversion of a bfloat16 or float32 model to an int8 model. Note that only Dense and EinsumDense layers will be converted (this covers LLMs and all Transformers in general). We may add more supported layers over time.
  • Add keras.config.set_backend(backend) utility to reload a different backend.
  • Add keras.layers.MelSpectrogram layer for turning raw audio data into Mel spectrogram representation.
  • Add keras.ops.custom_gradient decorator (only for JAX and TensorFlow).
  • Add keras.ops.image.crop_images.
  • Add pad_to_aspect_ratio argument to image_dataset_from_directory.
  • Add keras.random.binomial and keras.random.beta functions.
  • Enable keras.ops.einsum to run with int8 x int8 inputs and int32 output.
  • Add verbose argument in all dataset-creation utilities.

Notable fixes

  • Fix Functional model slicing
  • Fix for TF XLA compilation error for SpectralNormalization
  • Refactor axis logic across all backends and add support for multiple axes in expand_dims and squeeze

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.0.5...v3.1.0