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kennyegun24/kennyegun24 is a ✨ special ✨ repository because its (this file) appears on your GitHub profile.

Hi 👋, I'm Kenny Elias

A passionate fullstack developer from Nigeria

👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Any project

🤩 I am a Web3 intern at DeCellar

I am currently learning android and ios development using React Native

👨‍💻 Some of my projects are available at my portfolio

💬 Ask me about JavaScript, React, Ruby on Rails, RestAPIs

📫 How to reach me [email protected]

⚡ Fun fact I think I am fun to work with and I can work based on any type of requirement.

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Languages and Tools:

Git GitHub css3 html5 javascript rails ruby ruby restapi vscode webpack npm Postgresql

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    This is an instagram clone built using firebase for backend server. It was built to strengthen my react knowledge and also for me to strengthen my firebase knowledge too.

    JavaScript 5

  2. mini-chat mini-chat Public

    This is chat app built using firebase for backend server. It was built to strengthen my react knowledge and also for me to strengthen my firebase knowledge too.

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  3. cryptocurrency-app cryptocurrency-app Public

    This project was built with react and redux. I built this project by consuming coingecko's api data and rendering it to the ui by the use of redux as a state management tool.

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  4. e-commerce-backend e-commerce-backend Public

    This is the backend I created for an ecommerce store I created.

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  5. Budget-App Budget-App Public

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  6. Recipe-app Recipe-app Public

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