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The File Chucker Plugin for Obsidian

This plugin allows you to categorise your Inbox notes at speed by allowing you to quickly specify a folder to throw your file into.

Set a custom shortcut key to activate the command: "File Chucker: Move to new or existing folder" image

Then invoke it to quickly select a folder to move to: image

If you'd like to move it to a new folder, you can use fuzzy search to narrow down your selection... image

Then use the Tab-key to autocomplete the selection: image

Change the foldername:


Then use the Enter-key to create the new folder and move the file there! image

Turn on "Automatically proceed to the next file" in the plugin settings, and you'll automatically load up the next file in the folder! No need to manually return to your "Inbox"! image


  • Clone this repository into your Obsidian Vault Plugin folder.
  • Enable this plugin, "File Chucker", in the "Community Plugins" > "Installed Plugins" list.
  • Assign a hotkey to the command "File Chucker: Move to new or existing folder"
    • You can remove the original Hotkey for "Move current file to another folder", and then use that Hotkey on this one instead.


By default, this plugin will "stick" with your note after you move it.

To automatically open the next note in the current folder, turn on the "Automatically proceed to the next file" option in the "File Chucker" Community Plugin settings page.