This is a demo of the CRUD operations via a Kendo UI DataSource
instance. The code contains only enough logic (tried cutting as much out as I could) to showcase the functionality of the DataSource
abstraction. The demo does not promote anything else except the grokking of the DataSource
configuration values in the context of a RESTful JSON API.
(Note: prerequisites = Node.js)
From the cloned directory install npm packages (json-server and browsersync)
npm install
Start Servers (one to server webpage and one to server API)
From cloned directry run:
npm run api
(i.e. starts json api at localhost:3000)
and, then in another tab in the same directory:
npm run www
(i.e. starts browsersync and serves the index.html at localhost:3002)
Visit http://localhost:3002 and add users then do some CRUD
Examime the index.html file with the Kendo UI / JS code and see how simple it can be
Examine the db.json file and read up on json-server
I've also included some additional variations of the above demo.
Same UI as RESTful API demo, but using local data instead:
Similar UI, but using DataSource
instance with a Grid
widget to display data: