A library for text/image based search/retrieval for image datasets and files. Uses multimodal AI techniques/models like vector embeddings and CLIP.
$ pip install ripple_net
- For text description-based search
from ripple import ImageEmbedder, TextSearch # import classes
# load from a huggingface image dataset or load from a local image directory
embedder = ImageEmbedder('huggan/wikiart', retrieval_type='text-image', dataset_type='huggingface')
# could also use 'cpu' if CUDA-enabled GPU isn't available
embedded_images = embedder.create_embeddings(device="cuda", batch_size=32)
# initialize text - image search class
text_search = TextSearch(embedded_images, embedder.embed_model)
# specify text/search query for image, and number of results to return
scores, images = text_search.get_similar_images(query='painting of a river', k_images=10)
- For image-based retrieval(image-image search)
from ripple import ImageEmbedder, ImageSearch, image_loader
# load dataset and initialize embedding class
embedder = ImageEmbedder('lambdalabs/naruto-blip-captions', retrieval_type='image-image', dataset_type='huggingface', device='cuda',
# generate embeddings
embedded_images = embedder.create_embeddings(device="cuda", batch_size=32)
# init image search class
image_search = ImageSearch(embedded_images, embedder.embed_model)
# retrieve similar images with image input
input_image = image_loader('katara.png') # use library function to load image in PIL format
scores, images = image_search.image_search(input_img=input_image, k_images=5) # specify input image, and number of results to return
# dislay one of retrieved images
# or using notebooks => images['image'][0]
- For auto image tagging/renaming
from ripple import ImageTagger
# initialize the class with folder of choice
folder = '/kaggle/working/images/drawings'
tagger = ImageTagger(folder)
# captions to label with
captions = ['humans', 'animals', 'plants','land']
tagger.auto_tagger(captions) # rename all images and move to folders
- direct CLI usage
- Sentence transformers library by UKPLabs and Huggingface transformers.
- Image search engine: article by not-lain
- CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training) research by OpenAI.