rpc-web-channel mimics to QtWebChannel JavaScript API, but uses JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol over uni-directional communication channel. In general rpc-web-channel JavaScript Client is the client API for rpc-web-channel server, which builds client-side stubs based on JSON Schema Service Descriptor
The regular JSON-RPC 2.0 client code:
var jrpc = new simple_jsonrpc();
//set a communication function
jrpc.toStream = function(_msg){
jrpc.call("object.slot").then(function (result) {
The rpc-web-channel client:
var jrpc = new simple_jsonrpc();
jrpc.toStream = function(_msg){
new rpc-web-channel(jrpc, function(services) {
services.object.slot().then(function (result) {
rpc-web-channel allows the symplyfied access to getters and setter. The regular access looks like:
// Properties access
object.setProperty("I'm setter").then(function (result) {
document.getElementsByClassName('paragraph')[0].innerHTML += 'object.setProperty result: ' + result + '<br>';
// call Getter as function call
object.getProperty().then(function (result) {
document.getElementsByClassName('paragraph')[0].innerHTML += 'object.getProperty result: ' + result + '<br>';
And the symplified version:
// Anonymous local async function call is nedded for further await
(async function() {
// wait for setter finish
await (object.propertyWithGetterSetter = 42);
// wait for getter finish
let property = await object.propertyWithGetterSetter;
// synch access to property
document.getElementsByClassName('paragraph')[0].innerHTML += 'propertyWithGetterSetter result: ' + property + '<br>';
- QtWebChannel enables peer-to-peer communication between a server (QML/C++ application) and a client (HTML/JavaScript or QML application)
- JSON Schema Service Descriptor is simply a JSON Schema with the additional definition for methods.
- simple-jsonrpc-js - Simple JSON-RPC javascript library. Generate and parse json rpc messages