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Problem Definition

Problem is finding minimum and maximum values from an image which includes big number of pixels and arranging the image according to the min&max values. Main problem is finding min&max values in parallel manner. Apart from CPU, in order to prevent sequential operations Parallel Reduction is key point for finding min&max. Parallelization must help to traverse the image in shorter time than CPU because of high number of cores.

Pixel values are calculated according to the following formula:

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Algorithm Description

Algorithm handles the image as 1D array. During first kernel, each block finds a min&max value and store them in global memory. Another kernel finds one minimum and one maximum value from the output of first kernel. Then another kernel traverses all image and finds new pixel values. I have used Parallel Reduction v7. In this version each threads takes multiple values from global memory and process them. Also loop unrolling contributes to the performance. I have written combined the finding min&max into one kernel. There is no need to traverse whole image. So this affected the performance positively. For keeping min&max values in shared memory I had to twice the size of it. Normally finding minimum using conditional is like in the following:

(x < y) ? x : y

But this may lead to Divergence problem. So I have used the following code in order to prevent divergence:

y ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y))

This code is composed of bitwise operations and does not have conditional, but when the machine code of these two codes are considered, second one has more instructions than the first one. Although it has more instructions, it has shorter execution time than conditional one. While reading global memory all accesses are coalesced and there is no bank conflict between threads.
While considering occupancy most important point is shared memory. I have tried to fill the shared memory and keep the block count normal to prevent blocks waiting for shared memory to be empty. Algorithm arranges Thread_count * 2 * 4 bytes of shared memory per block.

Compilation & Execution

nvcc  -o lena

GPU execution time= 0.0507008 ms

Test Results

Algorithm tested on 512 x 512 lena image. Also some calculations are done according to this image's size.
I have tested my GPU code with different block and grid dimensions considering shared memory size, maximum number of threads per SM, SM count of GPU etc.

CPU execution time is 9 ms.

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Pros & Cons

Algorithm does all the computations on the GPU. Another point is that my algorithm does not need to traverse twice to find min&max. It does all the job in one pass to find min&max. One disadvantage may be the divergence for the last part of the finding min&max. In last step of finding min&max just one thread calls the ​ calcConstant(...)​ function and other threads wait for that thread.


    Nvidia GeForce GTX850M
    Intel® Core™ i7-4700HQ CPU
    Cuda 10.0, V10.0.130




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Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.