Server is named as myftpd. The 'd' in myftp means it runs as a daemon process.
cd myftpd
serves as a client. It takes following commands:
- to display the current directory of the server that is serving the clientlpwd
- to display the current directory of the clientdir
- to display the file names under the current directory of the server that is serving the clientldir
- to display the file names under the current directory of the clientcd <directory_pathname>
- to change the current directory of the server that is serving the clientlcd <directory_pathname>
- to change the current directory of the clientget <filename>
- to download the named file from the current directory of the remote server and save it in the current directory of the clientput <filename>
- to upload the named file from the current directory of the client to the current directory of the remove serverquit
- to terminate the myftp session
cd myftp
ICT374 - Operating Systems and Systems Programming (Project)