This project was made for the entrance to NFQ academy. Task can be found in task.pdf file. The whole idea behind this task is to make a way for customers who come to any bank and take waiting ticket number to see the estimated time left before they will be serviced.
- Download this project.
- Upload everything to live server (FTP) except task.pdf and database.sql.
- Upload database.sql file to your MySQL server.
- Locate and open database.config file in includes folder.
- Write your database information in this principle HOST_SERVER:DB_USER:DB_PASSWORD:DB_NAME for example localhost:root::you_db_name
- You are good to go. Temporary spcialist loggings are username: admin and password: admin.
- Have docker and Makefile installed
- Clone this repository
$ make prepare
$ make prepare-db
- visit
- To login as specialist use
. To login as client, create an account.
- You can register as a User by pressing Prisijungti kaip klientui on the navigation bar and then pressing Neesate užisiregistravę? Užsiregistruokite!
- You can log in with the credentials you just created
- Go to client zone by clicking on Kliento zona
- Write the estimated time you will be there and click Registruotis
- You can write your number to see the estimated waiting time left.
- You can cancel your visit by clicking on Atšaukti vizitą
- You can delay your visit by clicking on Pavėlinti
- You can log out from the system and click on Prisijungti kaip specialistui to log in as a specialist. Temporary loggings are admin/admin
- You can go to admin zone by clicking on Admin zona
- When a client comes you can start the visit by clicking on Klientas pradėtas aptarnauti and when a client leaves you can click on Klientas aptarnautas. Also, you can see how much time you've spent servicing the client.
- You can view statistics when exactly the place is busiest by clicking on Statistika
- Back-end validation can be manipulated by modifying GET/POST requests.
- No password hashing.
- MVC model is not perfect.
- Not every acceptance criteria were done.
- PHP 7.4