Tags: kartoza/docker-geoserver
Toggle v2.26.1--2025.01.03--ae25c98's commit message
Fix running backup and restore plugin (#709 )
* Fix running backup and restore plugin
Toggle v2.26.1--2024.12.31--b2031b8's commit message
[skip-release] add security option (#708 )
* add security option
* fix readme to make it verbose
Toggle v2.26.1--2024.12.21--62c0810's commit message
Align ALLOW_ENV_PARAMETRIZATION parameter name (#698 ) (#706 )
Toggle v2.26.1--2024.11.25--df6bc9e's commit message
publish 2.26.1 and fix actions (#703 )
* Publish v2.26.1
Toggle v2.26.0--2024.11.09--8aa1483's commit message
publish 2.26.1 and fix actions (#703 )
* Publish v2.26.1
Toggle v2.25.4--2024.11.17--e7732f7's commit message
Publish v2.25.4 (#702 )
* Publish v2.25.4 image
Toggle v2.26.2--2024.11.09--8aa1483's commit message
disable trivy (#701 )
* disable trivy
Toggle v2.26.0--v2024.10.19--b9204a9's commit message
upgrade to v2.26.0 (#694 )
* upgrade to v2.26.0 and use Java 17
Toggle v2.23.0's commit message
V2.23.0 (#518 )
* Upgraded GeoServer from version 2.22.2 to 2.23.0 and revert web.xml changes and fix build logic
Toggle v2.22.2's commit message
Upgraded GeoServer from version 2.22.1 to 2.22.2 (#497 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.