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Header only extension of the STL containers providing locking thread-safety mechanism


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This project contains git sub-modules that are needed for building example and tests.

If you just want to use the implementation, you can clone without sub-modules. In case you want to build the example or tests, be sure to clone the repository with --recurse-submodules or --recursive on older versions of git. Alternatively, you can clone without sub-modules and initialize these later.


locking-container features thread-safe and header-only C++ classes that implement additional thread-safe (using locking mechanism) methods in addition to the existing ones.

It works with all containers from the STL.

The read-write lock principle is used, where there might be multiple concurrent readers, but at maximum one writer, is achieved using std::shared_mutex (or std::shared_timed_mutex) is used.

It simply inherits from the given STL container (be it std::vector, std::forward_list, std::unordered_map with custom hash function and allocators, etc.) and implements additional methods.

The thread-safety is implemented using either std::shared_timed_mutex (in case when C++14 used) or std::shared_mutex (in case of C++17 and higher). The read-only methods uses the read-lock (std::shared_lock<T> on the mutex), the "writers" ones use the std::unique_lock<T>.

There are these main classes:


locking_container_basic provides methods to run certain block of code (e.g. via lambdas) with read, resp. write, lock:

  • read_lock(T && action)
  • write_lock(T && action)

locking_container_basic is not copy-able nor move-able due to the mutex contained within the class.

Implemented at the locking_container_basic.hpp.


Principle is applicable for any other STL container such as std::map, std::forward_iterator, and others

#include <locking_container/locking_container_basic.hpp>

// use custom allocator or whichever template arguments the container supports
using stl_container_type = std::vector<int>;
burda::stl::locking_container_basic<stl_container_type> locking_container = { 1, 2, 3 };

// the lock itself in the locking_container_basic is used only once
    // following code runs under the "write" lock, this means that it waits until all "readers"
    // do their work, then acquire a unique lock and perform this code, then it releases the lock

// instead of lambda, we could also use binding...
    // runs under the shared "read" lock, so that there might be multiple concurrent readers, and this
    // waits until at most "writer" at a time does its work (if any)
    const auto size = locking_container.size();
    const auto capacity = locking_container.capacity();


The class inherits from the above described locking_container_basic and implements additional locking variants to all STL containers' methods.

This results in implementing each of the container's method variant in a locking manner; the method is named with the _lock suffix. So, for the std::vector<...>, we have these:

  • emplace_back_write_lock(...)
  • size_read_lock(...)
  • capacity_read_lock(...)
  • ...

In addition to these existing:

  • emplace_back(...)
  • size(...)
  • capacity(...)
  • ...

So it always adds the *(read | write)_lock variant to existing original container's methods. However, the locking versions cannot grant noexcept specifier because of the mutex primitive.

When using the traditional lock-free methods, there's absolutely no additional overhead, because the base class (the STL container itself) implementation is called.

The are these important facts when it comes to usage:

  • operator[] is implemented with the read-write lock, so it is always thread-safe and there's no lock-free version provided
  • begin(), cbegin(), end(), cend(), rbegin(), rcbegin(), rend(), crend() always use the read-write lock
    • this is due to the std::begin(...) and related functions from the <iterator> that might be called on the container
    • the _no_lock(...) lock-free variants that call STL's implementation are provided

The only header needed resides in locking_container.hpp.


Principle is applicable for any other STL container such as std::map, std::forward_iterator, and others

#include <locking_container/locking_container.hpp>

// use custom allocator or whichever template arguments the container supports
using stl_container_type = std::vector<int>;
burda::stl::locking_container<stl_container_type> locking_container = { 1, 2, 3 };

// note that more that one call of these locking functions in a row is not optimal
// from the performance viewpoint, since it obtains lock multiple times; in this case
// it's better to use "read_lock(...)", resp. "write_lock(...)"

// can call original original STL container lock-free methods as well
locking_container.insert(std::end(locking_container), 5);

const auto size = locking_container.size_read_lock();
// above is equivalent of the following:
// locking_container.read_lock([&]()
// {
//     locking_container.size();
// });

For full use cases, see implementation of unit tests at tests/unit.


There are two possible headers for inclusion:

#include <locking_container/locking_container_basic.hpp>

// or extended version that implements "*_lock" version to every STL method
#include <locking_container/locking_container.hpp> 

Implementation resides in the burda::stl namespace, so it might be useful to do something like this in your project:

template <typename T>
using locking_container = burda::stl::locking_container<T>;

1. CMake Way

Recommended option.

There are essentially these ways of how to use this package depending on your preferences our build architecture:

A) Generate directly

Call add_subdirectory(...) directly in your CMakeLists.txt:

add_executable(my-project main.cpp)

# example: add_subdirectory(ts-container ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/locking-container)

# query of package version
message(STATUS "Current version of the locking_container is: ${locking_container_VERSION}")

add_library(burda::locking_container ALIAS locking_container)

# this will import search paths, compile definitions and others of the locking_container as well
target_link_libraries(my-project locking_container)
# or with private visibility: target_link_libraries(my-project PRIVATE locking_container)

B) Generate separately

Generation phase on the locking-container is run separately, that means that you run:

cmake <path-to-locking-container>
# example: cmake -Bbuild/locking-container -Hlocking-container in the root of your project 

This will create automatically generated package configuration file locking_container-config.cmake that contains exported target and all important information.

Then you can do this in your CMakeLists.txt:

add_executable(my-project main.cpp)

find_package(locking_container CONFIG PATHS <path-to-binary-dir-of-locking-container>)
# alternatively assuming that the "locking_container_DIR" variable is set:
# find_package(locking-container CONFIG)

# you can also query (or force specific version during the previous "find_package()" call)
message(STATUS "Found version of locking-container is: ${locking_container_VERSION}")

# this will import search paths, compile definitions and others of the package as well
target_link_libraries(my-project burda::locking_container)
# or with public visibility: target_link_libraries(my-project PUBLIC burda::locking_container)

2. Manual Way

Not recommended.

Make sure that the include directory is in the search paths.

You also have to use at least C++ 14 standard.


The container itself is implemented with the help of pre-processor macros and auto type deduction for return values and arguments.

Classes are implemented at the locking_container_basic.hpp and locking_container.hpp.

locking_container_basic inherits from T where the T might be std::vector<std::string, my_custom_allocator>, or std::unordered_map<int, int, custom_hash, custom_key_comparator>, or whichever valid STL container with valid template arguments.

locking_container is child of the locking_container_basic. Pre-processor macros are used in order to generate all locking versions of original STL methods, see macros.hpp.

Unit Tests

Tests require sub-module cmake-helpers.

For building tests, run CMake in the source directory tests/unit:

cmake -Bbuild -H.

cmake -Bbuild/tests/unit -Htests/unit
cmake --build build/tests/unit

# this runs target "run-all-tests-verbose" that will also run the tests with timeout, etc.:
cmake --build build/tests/unit --target run-all-tests-verbose

This is the example of running tests in the debug mode.

For more info, see .travis.yml.

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration is now being run Linux, OS X and Windows on Travis:

The project is using these jobs:

  • locking-container, tests -- linux, release with debug info, g++, 64-bit
  • locking-container, tests -- osx, release with debug info, clang++, 64-bit
  • locking-container, tests -- windows, release, msvc, 32-bit


Header only extension of the STL containers providing locking thread-safety mechanism








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