The scripts in this repository are primarily for penetration testing and malware proofs of concept.
Create a directory structure for a forensics project and run initial Nmap and Gobuster scans on the target.
sudo chmod +x
Init Project Sample Output
Provides simple user prompts to customize nmap commands.
sudo chmod +x
Nmap Sample Output
Enumerate a target website to generate a footprint report.
sudo chmod +x
Floods the C:\ drive on a Windows computer with randomly generated files dispersed in random directories until there is no more available space.
Runs the script against password protected Microsoft Office documents to attempt to crack the hash and reveal the password.
sudo chmod +x
Office Password Sample Output
This script runs theHarvester against many sources automatically for information gathering.
sudo chmod +x
Runs gobuster directory enumeration with additional user-friendly inputs.
sudo chmod +x
gobuster Directories Sample Output